New Dhalsim Player

yeah sim is addictive! I just really wanna make him work for me

yesterday I played him on ranked for the first time…I dropped from 3800 PP to 2600 PP in 30 min and gained 75 BP…FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
but I get better and better, progress slow but steady

oh…and…no offense to anyone…but…

the dhalsim part of the SRK forum just fuckin’ sucks

coming from the awesome blanka forum where you can find very usefull inormation EASILY and where a lot of players contributed incredible stuff (eg. unblockables, safe balls, meaty setups, counterhit setups) I think it’s bad that cool things like safe teleports are in topics like this:

why isnt there a labwork, master/compilation, chat about anything, discussion -thread that might help some new players and those who want to put dhalsim to the next level???
I bet there is some awesome stuff that could be discovered

Last year, the Dhalsim forum was a lot less organized, IIRC. And coming from the T. Hawk forum, this is tons better.

Everyone dropped Sim after Super. This place is dead.

I’m a beginner of Dha, he is a very funny character.

I don’t post as often as I used to, but I’ve been a Fei/Sim player for awhile! Just picked him back up 4 months ago because I’ve always had a special place for Sim in me. lol

I have some tips for newbies, they probably have been said before but this is what I have.

  1. Sim theoretically is the ultimate character if you play perfectly. Of course, no one plays absolutely perfect with any character, but think about it: if you’re always a screen away and they have to walk forward or jump to do damage, if you play it right they shouldn’t be able to ever get in and on the way they should get bopped. Of course some people have fireballs, teleports, abel rolls, whathaveyou, but the point is that he has the tools to keep them out. Herein lies the problem: keeping them out. If you can do that you basically shouldn’t lose, but this is much easier with some characters than others. So, playing Sim involves one general idea, which is not letting them get in on you while doing damage to them in the process. Which leads me to my next point…

  2. Don’t ever mess up. Seriously, all of us have had plenty of matches where we keep them out for the whole time, maybe perfecting them, then they get in once and we get cornered and guess wrong a few times and it’s over. Dude has low health and stun, two combos and another hit is basically the end for him. How do you keep them off of you? One way is to…

  3. Have plenty of patience. Sometimes when I’m feeling myself I play rushdown with drills and slides, but for the most part you want to stay patient but very alert. Arturo seems like he never presses an unnecessary button, whereas I like to throw out hella limbs, usually more s. FP than I should. Whichever way is fine, you can stick out limbs when you think they are going to start walking forward or jumping, but you should have good reactions and as soon as they jump be able to react. To be able to react properly, you need to…

  4. Know all of your moves inside and out. Whether they are the stretchy limbs or the short versions, know what each normal does, its range, its hit and hurtbox. Sim has like 10 anti airs and they serve a different purpose for the most part. b. RH for people landing right in front of you, b. MP for people jumping on your head. Special moves are important too; for example, EX Upflame is godlike as a lifesaver sometimes. If you want to learn about these specials, I suggest you…

  5. Watch EMPEROR_COW’s Understanding Yoga Teleport video in the sticky. That video is great and E_C is great for having made it. You will probably learn Dhalsim’s 1 combo and you’ll definitely learn many things you never knew about yoga teleport. You’ll feel good about yourself afterwards, perhaps good enough to make sure you…

  6. Don’t give up. Sim can be hella frustrating to play against for sure, but playing as Sim can be even worse. It can be pretty mentally draining because you constantly need to be paying attention and thinking about which moves to use. I play Sim because it forces me to be on top of my game at all times. I have become much better at blocking/teching since playing Sim. You can not auto pilot this character to victory if you are playing someone halfway decent (maybe against T. Hawk lol so free). Sim has trouble with any divekick character especially, so you need to be extra on point when fighting one of them. He has some pretty bad matchups but most characters don’t have all great matchups either. Best you can do is find a secondary. If you end up not liking Sim, well that’s probably not why you’re here as his style is unique and I would think you could tell if you liked him or not pretty quickly. One great part of Sim is that because there are so few combos to remember, you learn most everything very quickly and it comes down to you learning matchups and playing generally solid. It also doesn’t hurt to…

  7. Play every player and matchup that you can, good, bad, and ugly. Honestly, I almost gave up on maining Sim for Hakan just cause I hit a brick wall with Sim. I literally couldn’t pass the 5000 BP barrier (yeah yeah online doesn’t matter…) and it was just killing me. In the past few months I took a trip to Beijing and played in the popular arcades there. At first I got owned but eventually I got on their level and would sometimes go on 30 or so win streaks. I fought all the characters and good players and learned the matchups myself along the way. I never used to use ultra 2 before then and now like 1/3 of my matchups I use it. Hell, they asked if I was “the guy that beat Daigo” one time. LOL. No, I’m not F Champ good, but I came back with full confidence and within just 3 days not only surpassed the 5000 BP barrier but got to 10000 BP and became a regular 3000-4000 PP player. Now I have 13000 BP and I always feel I can win against even the best of players. Don’t underestimate the power of lots of practice, especially if it involves you getting your ass kicked a lot at first. That said…

I’m done. LOL I won’t make you read any more, and I hope that wasn’t too useless but I just kinda wanted to type a lot and help out as best I could. Play solid, don’t give up, you don’t need anything but the power of yoga.

Learning Sim if anyone wants to add me GT is Kelpocalypse

You can start the half-circle from df instead of forward (so the circle goes df, d, db, b). But yeah I’ve been practising it and it’s tough. I can do it probably 3-4 times in a row before I stuff it up.

On a related note, is there a shortcut for lp flame -> super? Or do I just have to be really goddamn fast…