New cvs 2 team member

My old team was Yun, Vega, Ken in that order. Yun hasn’t been doing so good, so I was wondering if any of you guys have any suggestions on who should replace him?
I was thinking morrigan, chunli, or sagat. If you guys have any other Ideas please tell me.

read rules… there is a thread for questions like this

c-morrigan or c-sagat.
yeah, i wonder about that all the time myself.

i think it’s best if you picked sagat to be your next member.

It is “hasn’t been doing so well

fucking no brainer. C- Morrigan :lol:

Yes it’s well, not good my mistake. You all say C-morrigan?

seeing how one person said “read forum rules”, another person said C-sagat, and one person said C-morrigan with a laughing icon. i think it’s safe to say that have all agreed upon C-morrigan as the best choice.

c-morrigan sounds perfect.

C-Sagat, C-Blanka, C-Guile, C-Chun, A-Sakura, A-Bison, A-Blanka… damn, there’s a whole bunch of good characters in those 2 grooves. Watch some match videos, try stuff out then decide it for yourself who you want in your team.

I always thought Morrigan was crappy in grooves without run.

And BTW, there’s a thread on team formation already:


…end this.

Mike…read sarcasm and ridicule into everything that was posted after you started this.

C-Morrigan is utter ass. Actually, Morrigan is known worldwide as a “worthless hoe.” She’s way better in running grooves, and even though she’s usuable in C/A/P, there are SO MANY BETTER CHARACTERS for you to use than her.

Oh, and I’m probably the only other successful tournament user of that lifeless bitch besides Buktooth, so take my advice and leave her be.
