New CT Thread

:smokin:Playas play, scrubs scrubs out, if you dont have skills, then get da **ck out!!:smokin:

oh sheet!

hey guys having a bbq wednesday at my house bring beer and i’ll setup two tvs outside for some marvel

Well lookie here. . . Dru started a new CT thread, well just for the record Id like to start this off on the right foot by saying GWM is the shiniest super hero ever!

Walter, thanks for the invite, Im going to have to take you up on that.

i’m down, but beer sucks, ill bring some hard shit. are liquor stores open on the 4th?

Would you guys play money matches if it was offered?

hey if people are planning to come to my bbq july 4th hit me up via pm we can all chip in and do something real nice. Its a drug free event but you can get drunk :frowning:

NO BOOZE ON THE 4th!!! So stock up today.

Walter, I would love to go and I will but I wont be able too untill around 6 pm, then we should all go to a midnight showing of Transformers, more than meets the eye.

Dru: That depends on which game for how much and against who.

Ill play Phil in SST for a Tomlinsons hot dog with bacon and onions though.
( I will rape your ass for that hot dog Phil.) NOOOO HOOMOOO

I dunno walter you say one thing now and then something different later

I wanna get down with some drunken master matches.

Dru, dont forget me man. Looking forward to the meeting.

I don’t have your cell, so I can’t call you

Check your phone now, and Ill call you any way to remind you.

rob bill gimme your guys numbers so I can coordinate with u guys later tonight

Hope you got a canopee brotha. I wasn’t being smug intentionally but usually u make plans on certain things but u don’t reassure the situation.

Thanks to chef walter boyardee for throwing the best bbq i’ve attended. time to heat up some left overs.

BBQ was the best great food , great ppl and great games. it was just like the old times good shit walter

bbq was great, if only the weather didn’t own us. but we built that tarp last minute FTW so FUCK THE WEATHER!

cant wait for the next one, hopefully the sun will be on our side.

Ouch, another session missed by drucipher, damn

glad everyone had a great time, I know alot of fools couldnt showup was mad last second but I am glad some peeps were able to make it and enjoy the food shitty fireworks and beer. Man I still have so much more food to I thought more people would showup but some people didnt come because of rain and other things but no big deal they missed out. I’ll have another soon and give everybody more of a heads up

-Tired as fuck at work-

ps shoutouts to my neighbors for the corn rice and everything else they brought