Hey dudes. I played some of you at Evo this year and talked with some of you, so some of you partially know me. A small piece of information about myself: I have been playing CvS2 for a pretty long time. Any of the people that have played me may think otherwise, but I will explain. See, I never really had good competition to play against. I can beat the game on the hardest setting normally without even losing my 1st character and my friends I can normally beat without even doing many special moves against them. I found out that there is a huge difference between playing the computer and playing real people. I honestly thought that I had a chance against some people since I can beat the game on the hardest setting. I also found out from going there that the people at the local tournaments (back when I lived in Nebraska) were not all that good since using pretty much the same strategies I used against you guys, I would pull out wins.
I do not want this to seem like it is anything other than asking for help. I am not asking which combos to do or things like that (well, not until I work and practice on everything else), since I plan on teaching myself through hours of practice on my own time. I just simply wanted to give a small bit of background information about my play style and stuff like that.
What I am hoping to accomplish from this thread are some areas in which I can practice and really improve my game so that when Evo 2013 comes around, I will at the very least be able to stand my ground against some people who go there. I am not trying to figure out how to be the best (one step at a time for me), but based on how I play, it seems I need to return to the drawing board about my style. I am all for that and truly want to improve to be a much better player.
I know a huge problem that I have is taking to the air. That strategy worked for me for a pretty long time, but against competitors (well, real competitors), a simple anti-air move kills all of that.
I also know that move execution I need to work on (well, becoming much faster at executing I should say).
For those that did not know me by name, I was the big dude in the Mortal Kombat shirt, so I am sure many of you saw me play (I did a bunch of casual matches against a few of you).
I am all for very critical critiques in how I played against you or how you saw me play against others. Nothing is too stern for me and I will welcome it to improve myself.
My characters of choice are Ken, Kyo, Ryu, Iori, Ryo.
To be at a level where I can at least stand my ground on a competitive level, what kinds of things should I really concentrate on learning?
What kinds of things did you see me doing (if you saw me play) that made you cringe that I was doing it and what would you have done differently?
I truly want to work on this and do everything possible to improve for next year. I see me going to Evo this year as a wake-up call that I need to step my game up, and I am very ready to do everything I can in order to do that.
EDIT: Even if you did not see me fight, what would be some good things for me to look into as somebody who is looking to hold his ground against you guys? Rolls/RC’ing? Different choice of characters (maybe teach myself a top tier guy)?
Basically, for somebody who has played the game but now looking to start competing, what types of things should I really concentrate on learning?
I have already started watching competition videos of people who use the same characters as me. I found a video of Daigo when he uses a Gouki, Ken, Ryu set of characters and am watching how he plays, approaches enemies on different paths, etc.