New Comics This Week - Updated Weekly Version 2.0

Batman and Robin! Superman! Marvel’s got ASM, Carnage, Onslaught Unleashed, New Avengers and more Age of X! Not a big week for me but a fun one.

Midtown Comics - The Best Online Comic Book Shop - Buy Spider-Man, Superman, Batman Comics, Toys, more

G.I. Joe A Real American Hero #165 and Classic G.I. Joe Vol. 11 TPB. YO JOE!

Midtown Comics - The Best Online Comic Book Shop - Buy Spider-Man, Superman, Batman Comics, Toys, more

I can’t wait for Amazing Spider-Man #659 next week! It’s going to be all about _____, ______, and ______! LOL no one knows, it’s CLASSIFIED! Retcon OMD out of existence please! ACK I know that’s not gonna happen but I can dream for a week, can’t I? :clown:

Midtown Comics - The Best Online Comic Book Shop - Buy Spider-Man, Superman, Batman Comics, Toys, more

EDIT: Well there is a preview of the next Spidey issue out. Perhaps the reason Marvel was being secretive about it is to not spoil Spidey joining the FF a few months to early, since solicits come out three months in advance.

Despite the Easter Holiday comics will still arrive in stores next Wednesday in the United States so no delay.

Have a happy and safe Easter to those who celebrate. Be safe!

Fear Itself #2! Otherwise next week is pretty quite for me. Free Comic Book Day next Saturday though! :tup:

Midtown Comics - The Best Online Comic Book Shop - Buy Spider-Man, Superman, Batman Comics, Toys, more

Mega Man #1 comes out next week! Welcome back to comics Capcom, it’s been a while! :party:

Also for people planning on buying the Batman Arkham City video game later this year the comic by Paul Dini that is bridging the gap between this game and the previous one, Arkham Asylum starts next week too! :nunchuck:

Midtown Comics - The Best Online Comic Book Shop - Buy Spider-Man, Superman, Batman Comics, Toys, more

And don’t forget about Free Comic Book Day this Saturday! :woot:

Happy Cinco De Mayo to those who celebrate man drink lots of Tequila! Unless your name is Peter Parker or Scott Pilgrim because those guys CANNOT handle alcohol. :rofl:


For those who liked Spider-Man’s stint as a teacher during JMS’ Amazing Spider-Man arc well he is going to be teaching again in the next issue of Amazing Spider-Man! As a twist Spidey in full costume will be teaching future heroes at the Avengers Academy. Interesting! Gage fills in on the writing chores so Slott can rest up for a while. :smile:

Midtown Comics - The Best Online Comic Book Shop - Buy Spider-Man, Superman, Batman Comics, Toys, more

The Mega Man Gigamix manga starts next week! :cybot:

The new Duck Tales comic starts! Everyday they’re out their making DUCK TALES! Duck Tales comics that is! :lovin:

Skullkickers returns too! :rock:

Midtown Comics - The Best Online Comic Book Shop - Buy Spider-Man, Superman, Batman Comics, Toys, more

Some great TPBs drop next week for Disney characters! First there’s Walt Disney Comics & Stories Archives No. 1 which will feature strips by Al Taliaffero for Donald Duck and Floyd Gottfredson for Mickey! And another classic Gottfredson story, Race to Death Valley appears in Walt Disney’s Mickey Mouse Vol. 1! A lot of the old Al Taliaferro comic strips have never been collected in TPBs! Pretty exciting! :cool:

Marvel and DC continue to roll out their crossovers that begin with the letter F. Fear Itself and Flashpoint! :wink:

Despite the Memorial Day Holiday in the United States next week new comics will still arrive on shelves this Wednesday.

Happy Memorial Day and big up to all the troops that have fought for our freedom past and present! You know, like Captain America and Mega Man. WHAT? The Wily wars were NO JOKE… :slight_smile:

Nah seriously mad props to all of the soldiers past and present who have fought for my right to post stupid comments on SRK. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah okay, serioulsy for real. Big up to the troops past and present and especially those that are serving overseas. Here’s hoping you come home soon.

Have a safe Holiday for those that celebrate!

Mega Man #2 and Batman Arkham City #2 - the comic that’s leading up to the next video game - both come out next week! Who said you had to wait until E3 to get video game related news? :looney:

DC Universe Online Legends and Darkwing Duck next week! Otherwise next week is pretty quite for me.

Phoenix Wright manga! Fate / Stay Night Vol. 11! And don’t forget to grab on to some more DUCK TALES! OOH OOOH OOH!

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there who celebrate. Be safe!

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Batman Arkham City and Batman Inc! More Skullkickers! And another issue of Avengers the Children’s Crusade freaking finally!

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Any new titles worth checking out this week Sano?

Both Batman Inc. and Avengers The Children’s Crusade were really good this week. Batman Arkham City had a pretty entertaining story too.

I’ll post up the link for the first week of July in a bit.

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On the Capcom end of things there’s the Monster Hunter Orage manga and another issue of Mega Man next week!

The big Marvel and DC crossovers Fear Itself and Flashpoint continue giving fans a double ‘F’. Lol!

And don’t forget to pick up the FREE Spider-Island Daily Bugle paper at participating stores!

Comics will still hit stores Wednesday in the US despite the July Fourth Holiday. To those who celebrate have fun and be safe!

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The next big X-Men event starts next week! Man all that Wolverine and Cyclops do is spark mad Schism. :clown:

Shonen Jump returns next week. It’s been delayed for a while. They’ve been mum on the details about the lateness but it may have something to do with the Japanese version of SJ shipping one week late for the first time since 1968 (yeah it’s been coming out every single week since then). Due to the recent Earthquakes there has been a paper shortage in Japan. That of course may have nothing to do with why the US version of Shonen Jump is late, but since some stories like Naruto and One Piece run fairly close to what Japan’s up to it’s possible.

DC’s Retroactive books start next week. Comics based on different decades of DC’s history so you can marvel at all of their great past stories. Because come August the Relaunch will flush most of it down the toilet. :rofl:

Lol not hating on DC. Especially since next week they will also offer DC The New 52, a preview issue that will go into the 52 relaunched titles. And it’s FREE! :tup:

Double dose of Larry Hama’s G.I. Joe with ARAH and another volume of Classic G.I. Joe! No you know. And knowing is half of this post. :looney:

Udon drops a big art book for the Sega video game series Valkyria Chronicles!

More Skullkickers word!

Going to give the first issue of Executive Assistant Violet a shot. I don’t recall reading anything drawn by Pop Mhan since Spy Boy so looking forward to it.

On the Disney end of things there’s more Duck Tales and another Don Rosa Walt Disney Treasury featuring Donald Duck. Good stuff!

On Marvel’s end ASM #666 drops and it’s a Spider-Island preview! Wait, a preview? START THIS THING ALREADY I’M SICK OF MARVEL HYPING THIS FOR THE LAST SIX MONTHS!!! :rofl:

Some X stuff with X-Force, Legacy and more Shism!

SRK’s been up and down for me the last few days probably due to all the Ultimate MvC3 traffic so I’m out. As for me, I’m happy that Vergil and Doctor Strange made the cut since those are two characters I voted for both in polls on SRK and Capcom-unity so hooray! Still wish the game had a regular Mega Man but ah well. Nova, Hawkeye and Iron Fist are pretty cool choices too.

“Aye yo Sano! I heard about this Rocket Raccoon character about to be included in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and I want a read a bit more about him before the game comes out.”

WABAM! Marvel’s dropping the Rocket Racoon Gaurdian Of The Keystone Quadrant HC Premiere Edition book for 25 bucks next week! :tup:

(This is the most unrealistic conversation EVER! For one you are supposed to believe that anyone would actually speak to me in real life. LUNACY! :rofl:)

Another volume of the Spider-Man Newspaper Strips comes out next week, going from 1979 -1981! :sunglasses:

MORE S.H.I.E.L.D.!!! :rock:

On DC’s end there’s Batman Arkham City and DC Universe Online Legends for the gamers out there. Also Flashpoint and Superman finally stops walking as Grounded comes to a close. :tup:

Have a good one guys!

Next week’s a big Mega Man week! Mega Man #4 on the comic book end of things. Also volume 2 of the Gigamix manga. All that and TWO art books! Mega Man Star Force Official Complete Works and the Mega Man Tribute book!

Spider-Island starts for realsies too, FREAKING FINALLY!