Except with people talking about her not doing the cute voice thing vs Ragna, her character may not be the same *we already know for shure that she looks a little different) people who played her for the character or the design may still decide not to play Lambda as well.
Holy Shit at Tsubaki. I Hope Terumi is actually a boss in this game, and Jubei as a playable as well.
Also please don’t nerf Arakune.
Nerf Arakune <3
If Tsubaki plays anything like that, I might switch over from Jin. I was originally a Sol player, so I guess it’d be like going back to my roots.
I don’t know, I just hope ArkSys pulls through on this one, this could be SO good if they just do everything right!
Hopefully we’ll get it by holiday season, it would make my Christmas, that’s for sure
It’s not as if they destroyed lamby. :lol:
She has more tools other than 5DD>4DD, even if it’s one of her main ones. And slower 2C I can live with if 6A and 2/6D keeps their properties. Plus new act parser looks interesting.
Seriously, rachel got it worst. Ara didn’t even get it that bad, they just change his design into a less bullshit one. :lol:
They should have given arakune a new mask for his face.
Lets say Tager punched him in the face and broke it so he had to make a new one.
You misunderstood what I meant. Of course people play character’s because they like the character design, however, I’ve yet to see a Nu who said I play Nu because shes either top tier, so good, etc. Now I play both Ragna and Arakune and while I play Ragna because I like the character design, I’ll be the first to admit I play Arakune because he’s top tier, kicks ass, etc. Not all Nu’s play her because shes top tier, maybe not even most, but the ones who do wont ever name that as the reason. After the nerfs, it separate who played so and so for personal preference and who just jumped on the band wagon, that’s all I meant.
I’m not saying whether Nu’s a good or bad character now (or Jin, or Ara, or Carl, or Rachel). I’m simply stating that it only takes two things -a sequel and some nerfs- to show who the tier whores are/were. That’s all.
I agree
Fair enough.
Still though, it’s not final. There’ll be many more changes as they keep on testing.
june/july of 2010
I’m definitely sticking with Arakune. He sounds like Zappa now, and I played Zappa when I casually played GGX2#R with my friends on pad.
hmmm, nothing really happened to litchi. which I kinda expected, even I don’t really have any solid idea’s on how I would buff or nerf her…
I think she needs something, what it is I don’t know… I’ll brainstorm this later
- all green slower start up
- easier to tech after DP hits, cannot end the combo with DP setup
- cannot do the combo after DP normal hit
- Stick 5A, 2A links to 5B
- DP is now RCable
- JD will cause slide down
- can setup the stick with 6D or 4D, 6D is the forward movement attack and 4D is jump kick move
what do they mean by “the” combo? does that mean ALL combos ending with dp, 6c, 3c (dp setup?) that would be an absolute massive change, for the worse. much worse… ~_~
So basically they’re nerfing her DP game? well I’m not looking foward to that, I really hope all those new gimmicks really pick up the slack
Well we will see what happens. Stuff changes. I do sense however that in this game that alot of characters are gonna get the nerf bat.
Doesn’t it just mean we have to use Rapid Cancel to do the combos? Though I do wonder about when the opponent can tech in the air… If it’s way too early, then our old “Tsubame -> 6C -> combo like hell” setups are gone, no? =_=
Let’s just see what people come up with… And, like many have said, this is only the first loke test, they can still make tweaks…
Really that long after it hits arcades? So is the console always going to be a year behind?
It’s really hard to get my self to play a game and try and get good at it, knowing that for the most part everyone else is playing a pretty different game and really just seems some what pointless to try. :shake:
How soon do you think an official version of Shift is hitting arcades? From original release to this console version was 6 months, maybe 7 months. This one will prolly be released officially in like March or April. We’ll be pretty lucky if we see it in June.
But yea Arcana Heart syndrome going to set in soon enough.