New Aluminum Bat Tops

Looking for votes on colors!
Potential future colors:
Light Blue
+Gun Metal

This is the current offering:
Shop thread

Definitely would like to vote black and also white if possible.

I’ll go for purple, yellow and gold (and pink, just for kicks).

Silver. Gold. Purple. Orange. Yellow.

Ball tops!

Black, orange, and purple.

Black, and silver. Does these tops fit the link?

[]Planetune’s CPU[/]

Awesome sauce, I been waiting for store to pick up on the vacuum that is the lack of aluminum bat tops.

holy crap, those are nice, that yellow one looks like a solid piece of cooper, I would personally love a black shiny one.

Add em all!!! Lol

Sounds like we should just do all the colors, ball tops, shaft covers and dust washers?

therook, I don’t know if they fit the Link, but do know they will fit the new Paradise T… oh wait, we aren’t ready for that :slight_smile:

Black would be cool, also white would be awesome.

This is cool. How about Stainless Steel color ? If not possible then I take Silver (clear), White and perhaps [FONT=Helvetica]Gun Metal for me. Any pictures for these colors ? [/FONT]

No pics until I order and stock them unfortunately.
Based on people’s initial interest, I’m going to set up to order some more just after the 1st. Keep the suggestions coming in and we’ll get things moving.

One more vote for gun metal. Would look good with dark hai buttons.

PINK. Sooner the better.

Purple an Black

And as soon as the purple hit the store, I will buy it!

I am looking for 2 Stainless Steel Bat Tops. If not, the nearest color to it.

Is there a reason nobody initially makes aluminum 35mm ball tops? I recall having to pay about $30 or so to get one from

So you will be really disappointed if I start stocking them for less than 10 each?
Just for rtz, we will bump the pricing $20 when we launch :wink: