Never Used an Arcade Stick - Worth It? - Please read and share your opinions!

I use a stick because of the fatigue I get from using a dpad.

Oh yeah. I don’t want to get into a huge debate or anything, but there’s also that madcatz TE that I can get for 97 right now. Anyone think it’s worth the extra 7 bucks over the hori?

EDIT: Nevermind, for some reason the code doesn’t give work on the TE. I wonder why?

If the HRAP3 SA is cheaper, get that instead. On paper, both are of equal quality but I would trust Hori more when it comes to quality control. And on top of that, I don’t think the HRAP3 SA has the same problem when it comes to PCs as the PS3 MadCatz FightSticks (both SE and TE).

Stick with the HRAP3 SA if you can get your hands on it.

Yeah, the HRAP3 SA should ship from amazon in a couple days. Hooo-RAAA!

My family does a gift exchange for Christmas. Maybe I’ll put a mesh ball top and a plexiglass sheet from art’s place to customize it a bit.

Also, if you happen to have a PS2-backwards compatible PS3, the HRAP3 SA will work with PS2 games on it, unlike the TE.

I don’t, but these are good tips. Thanks a lot guys.

I’ll have my new stick by the end of the week hopefully.

I just started doing the hard trials recently and finished the chun-li one a few days ago. Once the stick comes in and I get used to it, I’m going to start tearing through them.

I also decided to start building a box out of wood scraps I have around. I figure over the next year I might eventually be able to afford parts for a second stick and I really love building stuff.

It’s kind of the same as forcing yourself to eat chinese/japanese food with chopsticks instead of a knife and fork. Less practical in the beginning, but feels much more correct and authentic. Then you get real good at it, and think “Bahah, imagine I used to eat with a FORK! Bahahah! Weaklings!”

^ I like the way you think, bytex.

It really does enhance the experience of playing SF, for sure. I’d say pick one up when you can.

this is good to know i was kinda in the same boat and this thread was helpful to get people’s opinions… although deciding whether or not to get a fight stick, for me it was more of challenging myself to 1. building a fightstick unique for myself and 2. getting more enjoyment out of street fighter as a whole.

I do have to admit i am a noob when it comes to skill level, but i appreciate the game much more now

I’m in the same position as you, and I can say that the TE sticks are blooming wonderful things and you should get one.

If you use Joy2Key you can also play all those arcade-style flash games with them, and I wasted about four hours of my life doing that when I got my stick… :rofl:

I play a lot of sf4, and before I switched to a stick I had a much harder time doing certain actions precisely.

HRAP3 officially arriving Friday. Unfortunately, I’ll be on a road trip to Baltimore and won’t be back until the next day.

Also, I’ve got my Saturn pad sitting here. I think I’m going to carve a new case and buttons for it out of wood. If I succeed, it’ll be amazing. Just remind me to sand it well. Splinters during a fight would SUCK!

I would like to add my 2 cents to this discussion. Playing fighting games like Street Fighter is great on the console. With a controller you are playing a video game, but with an arcade stick… Its an experience (and if you think it sucks… stfu noob and rtfm!) LOL… jk… :slight_smile: enjoy the stick (no homo)

This is the first fighter I’ve really gotten into. Me and a friend both leveled up together and obviously started with pads. I wanted to try a stick, but TE sticks were in short supply and were $150. I grabbed some parts off of a small seller on SRK because Lizardlick and everybody else was backed up for weeks, taught myself to solder and padhacked a 360 stick together.

Shit was made in a tupperware box.

I eventually got a wood box to put it in and have since built 4 more for friends. I finally got to play on someone’s TE stick and that shit feel so flimsy in comparison.

I recommend trying to build a stick for yourself. It’s a fun little do it yourself project that results in something better than a stupid birdhouse.

I think eating with a fork is [potentially?] more efficient than with chopsticks.

I think in the end you’d need to be dissatisfied with pad to go to stick willingly (like I was/did) or participating in an arcade tourney. It need not be about popularity or what have you. So long as you can do whatever is necessary or whatever a stick user can you shouldn’t feel disadvantaged.

Chopsticks act like extended finger tips and give you more control, which is needed when eating Asian food that is typically cut into small pieces before being cooked. Stabbing and scooping with a fork just seems so violent and barbaric in contrast. :razz:
Forks do have their role with western food. I’ve tried picking up a big Italian meatball using chopsticks with little success.

I switched from pad to stick for personal health and safety reasons.
When playing on a pad, I tend to spam the d-pad a lot leaving my thumb heavily worn out and sore. Eventually a large painful blister had formed on the edge of my left thumb forcing me to stop playing altogether. That and the fact that I wasn’t learning anything at all by spamming srk inputs had convinced me to give the stick a try, so I spent $103 modding a Mayflash and I haven’t looked back since.

Unfortunately, I’m not good enough on the stick yet to be able to convince my friends to also get sticks since they still manage to beat me with their pad Ryus. Plus my brother plays a pretty solid boxer using a keyboard for SF4 on PC, which doesn’t help at all when they start to believe that the keyboard is more precise than a stick.

I don’t have the blister issue so I’ve heard about so many times. Many of my friends complain about the same thing. I worked with carpets and flooring for more than half of my life so the insides of my hand and finger are super rough. Most objects that would cut me anywhere else don’t even leave a mark on my palm. Sucks for playing football though, especially in the cold.

Oh yeah, I ordered tekken 6 for 33 bucks on amazon this weekend too. Only thing is, I play street fighter so much I don’t even know when I’ll play it. I’m thinking about sending it back.

Anyone play it? Worth keeping?

Can I pop in real quick to ask what the best Ps***2*** stick is? I need something for the alpha/anniversary collections. I’m guessing that HRAP2 or whatever is probably the best deal?

As much as I enjoy Tekken, Namco really dropped the ball on Tekken 6.

I mean, the fighting system is still great. Only major difference was the addition of the rage mode when your health gets low, and the ability to make the opponent bounce off the ground, so that allows for some interesting new juggles. Other than that, pretty much everything else about the game sucks.

The load times are unbelievable, even after installing the game to the hard drive (I have PS3 version, so I don’t know if this really applies to the 360 version, though I heard it can be just as bad). The game does this thing like in Soul Calibur where every time you move your cursor to a character, it has to load their character model with a cool animation, and that loading time can be anywhere from 10-20 seconds. And then the game waits for both characters to load before heading into the fight, as if you’ll never get tired of watching Raven do a backflip.

The next thing I hate is that customization is massively watered down, despite all those cool preview videos promising hundreds of different ways to customize Asuka’s hair. They dropped nearly all of the old items from Tekken 5 and DR, didn’t improve at all upon the custom colors, and stuck us with a bunch of new items that only look good so long as your character is wearing the entire set. And then they filled up on multiple colors of the same parts, because you can’t customize the colors of the added parts, like in Tekken 5. You have to buy another piece if you want a different color. They even dropped the awesome extra costumes from Tekken 5 and put a couple of nasty-looking ones in to replace them (Asuka does not look hot with a big orange scarf with pom poms).

But by far the biggest failure was with the campaign mode, which is supposed to take the place of the normal story mode, and acts as a new version of the Tekken Force mod. Sounds kinda cool, but really it’s just so awful that words cannot describe it. And the worst part about it is that it’s the best way to earn money for character customization.

Should you send it back? Depends on if you just plan on playing mostly the arcade/online modes. It’s a good fighting game, but everything else will probably just make you angry.