NetChamp Battle Arena Tournament - Montreal - 11/28/2009

U can register on site dont deen to do it on
its just a pre registration so we have an idea of the number of people …

Thanks :slight_smile:

K im confirmed attending this.

who and which “mark” are you referring? :confused:
please dont listen to anyone else beside me/eric/ian if its regarding to team stc.
cause as far as i know, we havent confirm if we can come or not.

smokey, u/den/ves/mao can always reach us on msn or txt.

:rofl: ow right in the sack to

Alright sweet. The form was sorta confusing to me (yeah I know, I’m an idiot to think that), now I just need me a usb adapter for a ps2 hori to 360.

Yo… we’re at 32 pre-registered members… it’s getting there!!

only 6 days left suckas!!


I forgot tournament was this weekend. Plus, I didn’t practice since Ranbats…:shake:

ammene toi avec ton team meme si cest le dimanche, je suis sur que si on a deja fait le 5 on 5 les OG et New blood vont accepter le challenge quen meme !!! Comme si on allait perdre contre vous mouhahahaha funny guy, t’arrive meme pas a me battre en casual.

sorry guys …i wont be able to be there this saturday 28th .
ill be honest money probleme.

I hope I won’t feel like a stranger if I register.

Bring your ass down to MTL and bring the QC people with u

Sup guys, I’ll provide all the details tomorrow on how things are going to be run for Saturday on I was supposed to do it tonight but got in the way, so I apologize for the last minute details:sweat:

You won’t at all we are one big happy family :smiley:

posted on NCBA website by PTS

NCBA Tournament info

-NCBA opens at 12pm

-Pay your venue (10$) to get your bracelet which allows you to play on all the stations . Visitors dont have to pay the venue fee but cannot play on any station.

-You have until 4pm to pay your 3s & HDR tournament fees (see below).

-3s & HDR start at 5pm and should be done by 7pm

-SF4 starts at 7pm and should be done by 11pm

-During the tourney hours for each game, DO NOT play casual on any of the required stations. You may play as much as you want before or after these hours.

-NCBA will stay open late really late.


-Double elimination tournament

-2 out of 3 games per match

-3 out of 5 games per semi final match

-4 out of 7 games grand finals

Street Fighter 3: Third Strike

-Start time: 5pm

-End time: ~7pm

-Fee: 10$ or even 5$ if all participants agree to it.

-Will be on 2 stations: on a big CRT tv and on a head-to-head station.

-The game will be played on Playstation 2.

-Some PS2 joysticks will be provided but I highly suggest that you bring your own.

-I (Phoun) will be running the 3s tourney.

Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo: HD Remix

-Start time: 5pm

-End time: ~7pm

-Fee: 10$ or even 5$ if all participants agree to it.

-Will be on 2 head-to-head.

-The game will be played on the XBOX 360.

-Same as 3s, some XBOX 360 joysticks will be provided but I highly suggest that you bring your own.

-Jimmy Bones will be running the HDR tourney.

Street Fighter IV

-Start time: 7pm

-End time: ~11pm

-Fee: 10$

-Will be held on 10 head-to-head stations

-The game will be played on the XBOX 360.

-Some joysticks will be provided but I highly suggest that you bring your own.

-I, Phoun, will be running the SF4 tourney.

How it will go?

-In order to accelerate the tourney, I will do batches of 10 matches at a time. Thats 20 players that will face each other on each of the 10 stations.

-When ALL the 10 matches are done, I will proceed to the next 10 and so on. That roughly around 40 matches per hour.

-Depending on how we do in time, I may reduce it to 5 stations then 3 for top 8, then 1 for the finals.

-Again, NO casuals are to be played on these stations when the tourney is running.

-Since you will know when you are up next, you have to be there when we call your name. You have 3 minutes to come to your designated station or you will be disqualified for that match.

-We will NOT wait for you if you need a joystick that your friend is using for a match that is happening at the same time as yours. You will have to either play with the joystick that we provide or forfeit the match if you wish. Therefore, bringing your own joystick would be a really good idea.

Finals SFIV

-Will be held on a head-to-head station with HD TVs!

-Will be recorded and perhaps streamed.

-In order to set this up, we will have a little break just before the finals and ask people to leave the room for 15 to 30 minutes.

For those who wants to see what’s happening at NCBA:

SF4 Singles starting at 7.

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