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Combofiend (Nemesis, Hagger) vs Philipino Champ (Dormmamu, Ultron) ** Some Matches from Brainfraud **
Match 1
Match 2
Match 3
FYI on a scale of 1-10 my skill level is probably a 5. I got lucky against honzogonzo that first game then he raped me.
Basically I understand the concepts and mechanics of the game but I am bad on execution and combos.
I mostly upload my games because I want to re-watch them to see what I do wrong and also I want to archive my improvement.
There is still stuff to take away from your footage which is why I included it.
I’m pretty sure that UNGAUNGA damage helped.
Got a couple matches from a local I went to. Nothing amazing. Still trying to wrap my head around the new Nemesis but hey, if y’all can pull any info from my scrubby nonsense then the share isn’t worthless. Lol
First one is at 6m 48s
2nd is at 1hr 50m 27s
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