Definitely. Also not having to deal with assists is a huge buff. He’s better suited for this system than for one with hidden missiles raining down every few seconds.
Further analysis of Sacktapp’s wonderful run has yielded this train of thought.
Part of the reason Nemesis is seeing this much early success is that he punishes Tags pretty effectively. You tag to combo? Noodles will hit your other character while he twiddles his thumbs on screen. You tag in to interrupt his string? Surprise, there’s armor and an Invincible Super. People haven’t got a good handle on when and how to use tags in neutral and Nemesis capitalizes on that.
Any ideas on optimal combo’s or mixups for Nemesis/Dormammu? I can get dorm’s ball in the corner to connect after nemesis’s bnb and it seems like there is alot of time to do stuff while nemesis is in his super animation, just curious if anyone has figured out anything optimal.