"Needs more Dudley!" The Boxer Video Thread

give me some credit it was laggy so a lot of my combos didnt connect and im not use to rose or vega match-up

Lag doesn’t make you random headbutt

i know i suck cause i try to predict rather then react and when i do headbutt after i miss loop im just use to the jab and short connecting

I did give you credit, I said you know the basics and will no doubt improve… But damn, if you post movies of yourself followed by “Open to Critique” then don’t like the criticism you have a problem, no offense :wink:

I’m far from the epitome of Balrog grace and skill myself but I take criticism on the chin and try to learn from it - I used to do a lot of what you did in those movies when I started out, things like not walking forward, relying on HB as AA and getting punished for it, never using DFierce, random HB’s, bad execution.

I wasn’t insulting or berating you, I simply gave my opinion on what I thought, going from the two clips, you could work on to improve - That is why you posted here to begin with, is it not? ^^

Lag isn’t really an excuse to be fair - The general response to that would be to upload movies of you playing non-laggy matches when looking for criticism instead of laggy ones if it really was affecting you.

I also only play Online 100% with no offline experience so I know the feeling, just saying.

i wasnt recording nor do i record my own matches so im limited to show what i can and yes i didnt understand u the first time.
I hope u know those arent me playing at my best im not making excuses but im i do think im better then wht im showing. Yah my execution is bad and my reactions are slow but now i know wht i should rather then just assume wht i should

lol @ execution with 'Rog.

I wasn’t trying to be an ass earlier, but when you make a post like that were you seem to be defending yourself you kinda open yourself up to it.

Now your Rog is pretty good… better than mine. I spotted a few dropped combos (which is alright) but the random headbutting without hitconfirm and the full-midscreen dash punches are something to work on.

If you wanna show us your best then record it from your TV. High 720p quality isn’t necessary for critique :wink:

yeah i know ur werent trying to be an ass and that was a stupid comment i made
I get the whole random headbutts i keep doing that because im am idiot, dash punches is kinda of half idiotic half knowing if they can punish it but yeah i will try to stop the randomness

I mean it’s online (Which I’m assuming you play more than offline because most people do) so you can half get away with it.

it’s my fault. i always let his random headbutts hit me so he got used to it, right m1tch? :slight_smile:
we need to play more.

Let me say it this way regarding randomness in a wee little nostalgic story format (As a Boxer who is proud and willing to admit they are a proud scrub just trying to get better, nothing more).

When I first got SF4 and it was shiny and new (and once I picked a main character AKA Rogster) I was having fun and doing quite well playing like a randomised gobshite on crack because Balrog is extremely potent in Low/Midlevel/Online. As I kept playing I half assumed I must be doing alright seeing as I was winning 75% of my games but I kept grounded because I was influenced to buy the game in the first place having watched many interesting/entertaining matches from professionals playing it the way it should be played - And it was quite obvious that those people did NOT win their matches by playing the way I was back then so I knew I needed a lot of work.

Queue over a year later and here I am, still stuck on Online, still stuck in Vanilla SF4 on PC with my Keyboard, still mediocre at my very best - Why? Because despite one day deciding I was absolutely going to stop being so random and actually research matchups, work on my execution, try break my own boundries and limitations, experiment with training, hunt down better opponents etc I still cannot get any better because my OPPONENTS are now 95% consisting of random players throwing out random things… When someone really good does eventually show up, however rare they are, they normally tear me a new ass because a) I’m so used to playing said random people and b) Playing ‘properly’ (or trying to) often doesn’t work against people who are random so you tend to fight fire with fire.

At the end of the day if you get your fun out of the game by playing the way you play, stick with it and don’t look back (if that is all you want) but if you are legitimately trying to improve your own game (which is also fun in itself) then you have to pitch in some effort and cull all those bad habits you do (We ALL have bad habits, no matter what anyone says) and seek out better players to test yourself with.

The reason I make so many movies is because I can use them as a reference to myself - I can link here my very first championship match in SF4 and it’s so embarassingly bad and then watch a more recent fight and take note of what I’ve improved on and what still needs work.

The sad reality is you can learn very little when a) You have a random nonsense playstyle and b) You tend to learn even less if the person you’re fighting is the same way.

Play whatever way gets your jollies off and what suits what you aim to achieve in the game - I don’t envy the people who play SF4 for a living because you literally need to live the game you play so never take it too seriously either if you don’t intend to be a pro :wink:

Now to break the wall of text with some comedy - Here is how I was when I first started playing SF4 and back then I used to love playing this way… Until you realise it’s fucking terribad :wink:

Jun 2008, 1st week of SF4 (reuploaded it in August with fancy music from SFEXPlusAlpha.

Compared to:

Oct 22 2010, about 2 weeks ago.

Some would argue I’m still not that much better but yeah, here’s one of my most recent vids (Quality is very low I’m afraid as I compressed it incorrectly) >.<

My fun from SF4 comes from trying to get better, movie making, coming here and trying to be helpful on the forums and, ultimately, just being able to headbutt people :wink:

any time andy man any time

SoCal Regionals live stream, early results and schedule : News : EventHubs.com

Footage of Keno beasting with Rog lol

here are my recent SRKlive matches:


Typical week on GFWL Vanilla :shake:


This is beast Balrog player i’ve seen on the japanese replays, decided to record it. He perfected the Ryu twice.


Nice find, it’s usually the mixup heavy characters that shine with D-Perfects like Seth, Sakura etc etc

Not bad at all, though I will state that getting perfects isn’t an indication of real skill at the end of the day - Heck I’ve movies online showing me double perfect two different players but it was mostly because the opponents weren’t that hot :wink:

Any other videos of that player floating about?


Loving the autocorrect Ultra to punish that taunt happy Ibuki <3

One of my own, hope I’m getting better:
[media=youtube]NlldXVgFyVY]YouTube - SSF4 Costume In SF4 - Balrog v Bison [Rishek[/media]

@ Rope what specs is your pc?

I am going to put together a quick pc and want to play sf4 dnt care about visual settings