c.lp x3 > c.hk is not a combo. I mainly use it for block strings for spacing, but learn to cancel into specials if the c.lp lands. Don’t go into c.hk.
c.lp > c.lp > c.lk xx any special
c.lp x3 > c.hk is not a combo. I mainly use it for block strings for spacing, but learn to cancel into specials if the c.lp lands. Don’t go into c.hk.
c.lp > c.lp > c.lk xx any special
GODLIKE Rog mirror. This guy OwOv (a face I assume) is super godlike. Just figured I’d stop by, not sure if it’s already been posted.
hey guys i got a video of me playing my friend. his sakura was just straight beating me down.
critique me and tips for sakura?
the second round you should have finished with an HB -> Ultra
Work on your wake-up game (dash back, TAP)
Use more FA
just my 2cents
Ill disagree with the guy above with the wakeup game. Don’t wakeup TAP.
Go back and watch that vid. Watch how many jumpins of yours were stuffed with a simple AA from Sakura. Then look at how many of hers you stuffed.
I didn’t see 1 c.hp or s.mp. Sakura LOVES to neutral jump wakeup because it hits high.
And you shoulda ended the second round with the Ultra. You went for flashy which is still cool as shit but you missed the ex upper link
Go online and spend 4 of 5 matches just trying to punish… Play hyper defensive just to get the c.hp and other minor punishes down. One thing im learning now is you dont need to punish EVERY move. a lot of sakuras hurricane kicks leave her quite a bit a way. slow down the play
welll the thing is sakura’s j.hk hits super high. and like as good as rogs AA is its really hard to stuff that.
you don’t go flashy when your losing
ok guys heres another video.
Menin doing work
never heard of him… Loves the s.hk
there are a few vids if you plug in the name. Hits an EX Upper AA Counter Hit -> Ultra as an akuma is jumping away
and another one [media=youtube]vTRwv376Tjc[/media]
I don’t play online much, but I play this match up frequently with a good Sakura user offline. Just a few things I noticed:
-IMO you’re jumping in and getting AA’d too much. That needs to stop. A lot of the damage you received in round 1 was from getting AAed or getting mixed up on reset. Anyway, if you both happen to jump in at the same time, use j. HP instead of j. HK. It has a better chance of beating out Sakura’s air normals.
-When you connect with a c. HK or a throw, try doing a safe jump meaty every once in a while. Her wake-up reversal options all suck, so you essentially get a free mix-up every time you score a knockdown. Some options include: safe-jump meaty, empty jump throw, empty jump c. mk, c. lk xx headbutt / ex rush uppercut loop.
-You’re not punishing her jump-ins enough. Learn the correct spacing and timing where your c. HP won’t get stuffed or trade with her j. HK and start AAing obvious jump-ins. If Sakura doesn’t have any meter, you can also safely follow up your c. HP with a dash straight as she resets.
-Play the match defensively until you can score a knockdown, and then rush her down.
A few G-1 matches
So I stopped being lazy and recorded the saved uploads i have off of Xbox Live so here are my most recent updates from G1 bracket. I am only a G1-E so i can always use some criticism and help.
Balrog (me) against Ryu
Fei Long vs Balrog (me)
Balrog (me) vs Ken
my most recent and hands down best upload ive had. This is against a G1-A Sagat player vs me (Balrog)
Any criticism is welcome thanks!
Got a few vids going up as well. Just keep checking in. Good and bad ones!
Found out how to use the record on my camera…
Maeda Taison vids
Some Taison vids I randomly found while searching for something else. From the Shiozawa cup.
Guy is pretty darn solid.
That match vs itabashi zangief is great. probably the first top rog zang match ive ever seen
And he uses the c.mp -> dash straight like a mutha. he catches it a LOT too
Ugh that last match vs. ryu - tough to watch pretty much how my matches go
Some vids of my schizoehrenic boxer. Have trouble winning the second set when coming from losers. Lost all my patients during the 2nd set and was just throwing shit out >_< Need to stop getting high during tournys.
Tries picking rufus
Good match to watch. Focus on the first round. Love the mix-ups.
Hey everyone,
Here’s a vid of me at my first tournie just yesterday. This match is actually the final of a random single elim tournie after the official tournie we had.
Mistakes I know I made were the full screen EX punches which I simply kept getting thrown out of… should of learnt. Also I had him in the corner a few times and either got thrown or went stupid and tried to cross him up when I should of just been patient. Not to mention at the very end I had a chance to wakeup headbutt to avoid the ultra but I think my execution let me down there.
Any feedback positive or negative is much appreciated, so long as it’s constructive.
I think you have the wrong video