so is this real? I cant make a new thread maybe someone can
obviously fake and photoshopped… come on guys
that being said… i really wish they gave boxer an overhead normal like dudleys… i mean… they gave one to sagat… :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
got some pretty recent footage of me fighting a good sagat player at a tourney. no idea what happened with the sound. he knocked me out of the tourney but i played him again right after the tourney first to 5 and won 5-3.
i probably should’ve won, but i would get ahead of myself and eat something stupid.3rd match i let him sneak way too many jump ins on me.
heres another vid of me playing a fuerte in a different tourney.
Good stuff man… you had Sagat in the first round of game 3 but got too eager to finish him off… I’ve made the same mistake many times. I was wondering why you punish missed tiger uppers with ** cr.lpx2 ~ xx HB** instead of just xx HB. The latter does more damage. Still good shit man.
Here’s a couple of my replays from Championship mode. Tell me what you guys think.
These are both replays I got yesterday. If you really want there are a couple more of my replays in my channel but those two are the most recent.
For one i think you throw out too many headbutts and too many charge attacks in general without any type of block strings before them. I think it’s ok to do that sometimes but you really should mix in some c.LP x2 c.MP into something or even c.LP x 2 c.LK into something for your strings.
Against akuma you went j.HK then c.LP x2 c.LK xx headbutt but he blocked your c.LP… I mean you want that hit confirmed, if you can’t stop yourself from ending in the headbutt after a c.LP x2 on a block then i suggest ending with dash punch so even on a block you’ll be safe.
other then that you are pretty agressive! that ken in round 1 got mashed up hehe.
yea it was probably just nerves sometimes i don’t have the charge for the head but and i just get a .
i think your rog may be a tad too reckless. then ken didn’t really know how to deal with all that rog goodness.
offline you gotta be a bit sneakier with the overheads cause on block it’s a free punish. also constantly throwing out dashes when the enemy is kinda waiting there can be shoryu’d if you throw it out too much.
if you wanna do some rog mirrors some time I’m down to play. seeing as your on the east side, the connection shouldn’t be too bad. it’s a match that I’d like to practice. i also play a pretty decent gief and rose
I’m not that aggressive all the time. I just open up like that when I notice my opponent can’t deal. Most the time I’m very defensive and calculated but when I see blood I go all out. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten hate mail about turtling.
Whats good SRK.
Time for me to show some boxer vids of mines.
Here it is.
Plz comment.
damn you would post that up wouldn’t you nyc3. damn that shit wasn’t very pretty on my part.
I know what you guys mean about me being a bit careless but when my opponent lets me get away with it then I tend to repeat things. For example I generally don’t throw that many overhead punches but every time I did against these two guys I was either rewarded or nothing happened. I honestly don’t think I threw too many headbutts (except for the one against akuma in round 1) or too many dash straights since I was very aware of the distance from my opponent and what they were doing at the time.
I really wish that I was able to record matches that truely show my strengths and weaknesses but instead capcom gave us a replay system where i can only record matches that are championship matches. I probably win over 80 percent of the “tournaments” in championship mode in similar fashions because almost no one online is a challenge. Unfortuantly when I have great matches against players from here like Joe S, Reipin Pillage, CruzD, OmertaSRK, Shinwar and SRKMagnus, I’m unable to record and show those off. I also don’t have the option to enter offline tournies since I’m in Chattanooga and there is no SF4 scene at all so the only videos I get to show off are the ones of be beating down poor defenseless scrubs that are so easy for me to beat that I can afford to be very careless.
ssj2jeff I’m adding you to my friends. your videos showed a very similar style to mine and you are quite good.
Really good shit there. Probably should integrate more tick throwing and less holding down-back, but other than that you have really nice execution.
Some Rog vids from ECT (Mostly Gootecks and one MOOSE):
[media=youtube]CTgdCpdqtCY[/media] vs Ryu
[media=youtube]-nHRPsAf4eE[/media] vs Honda
[media=youtube]GXYyqLbBsjU[/media] vs Seth 1
[media=youtube]Ylvs5Ccyfuo[/media] vs Seth 2
[media=youtube]TMVuHGcfyhU[/media] vs Sagat
Yea most definitely. Im just getting training from top players. I actually have a different style of play I can unleash in the future. But here’s another video from last weekend at our RanBat:
Unfortunately another boxer mirror.
2 more should be on the way tonight.
In this video, aronud 7:45, rog does EX rush upper, c.lp xx overhead rushpunch, xx headbutt xx Ultra. Dont you need to do 2 c.lp after EX rush upper (or overhead rushpunch for that matter) to even have time to charge for a cancel?
no, because he buffered a secondary charge during the first exRU by distance.
if you did an exRU at point blank with no buffer, then it’d require 2 jabs and the initial exRU animation to buffer it. in that instance, the charge is already buffered by the exRU moving into ryu. its nothing new, its stuff that people should already know lol
i won the first tournament here in mexico against a zangief that used 2 beat me alot , i trained a bit against ron and some of my friends using gief so i managed to create a really good strategy against him
i think the point against gief is not to risk with too much combos if i missed a combo against that guy he punished me to death
also saved mi ultra to have it almost full if i was winning (mind games)
oh btw i dont know if this was discovered before , but if ur on crouch and zangief is doing a focus attack , he’s not gonna hit u unlees ur really close to him , so for me is a free combo:encore:
good job.
you did pretty good. i think you didn’t need to jump around so much’s a good idea to jump back when you get too close but constantly jumping back can slowly back you into a corner. just stand you ground and anti air with c.hp. also orbs on block can you go for 2x c.jab> c.short>head butt for free.
when he’s sitting there building meter with lariats you can do a j.HP from far and beat it clean instead of trying to dash punch.
i think i was doing it all the time jump in fierce , about c. hp i didnt use it a lot because last time i was playing against him he was using > 360 i felt for it a lot , so i found it a better option just jump to avoid his 360’s and stay out of green hand range
Dude finally put up the Grand finals at this local two weeks back:
commentz plz.
Solid Rog right there. I particularly enjoyed the cr.jab, step back, cr.strong, dash straight move. Need to start using that myself.