Need SF4 PSN competition in UAE or Gulf Area


I am looking for some local Street Fighter 4 competition in UAE or any of the gulf countries. My connection is horrible due to the crappy ISP, so I need people living close from here to play with.

I only play on PSN, my ID is kumasama3, please add me if you can.

There are several people who live near the Emirates or in the middle east, either in the military or other jobs, I know a couple do, I’ll try and find some for you.

Thanks man, would highly appreciate it.

I am in UAE, add me up in PSN for a good match:PSN ID: chocolocoi

my Psn id is moralelgamed i live in KSA , so we should have good connections

i will add you two

I live in Qatar. Would love to play sometimes.

My PSN is ReyMagnus.

EDIT: Oh, I remember you, KumaSama. We were supposed to have a session few weeks ago, but we never did. =p

I live in the UAE, add me on PSN: ArKivE or ArKivE-UAE… and if you want my XBL: GaTwA.
And there are a weekly meeting in Billiard Planet in the Mizhar 2 area where we go at it with multiple fighting games.