Hi everyone,
I need some serious advise in my current situation. Before anyone goes crazy, I spent 3.5 hours looking for a thread on this and I can’t seem to find it even though I know its hidden on here somewhere.
My problem is very unique. I need a decent PS2 programmable controller so I can attend MVC2 at EVO2k9. I play the DC version of MVC2 to practice infinite’s, combos, and hyper jumping. I execute more better with my pad on the PS2 version which is crappy version but still I perform better. I am good enough to compete in the tournies, but I am not as good with my stick I had for 2 years. I am a pad player and the DC version requires a PS2 programmable to compete well in the tournament.
Why do I need a Ps2 programmable is because the button configuration isn’t the same for DC then PS2. I want the DC button configuration to be R1=Lp+Hp and R2= Lk+Hk. Right know its R1= partner A and R2= partner B.
I submitted a thread in tech talk and since I haven’t received any posts I am posting a thread here for advise from the MVC2 pad players in how they have there button configuration or where can I find a descent Ps2 programmable wired controller.