So being the procrastinator I am, I forgot to book my $320 room with Gold coast, which is now gone. I’ll be staying from Thursday and leaving August the 1st (Monday). If anyone at the Gold Coast and/or Rio has any extra space, I can chip in my fair share. I’m willing to go half on whatever the room cost. I would prefer no more than 1 room mate but I’ll take what I can get. I know my other option is to spend $800 for 4 days in Rio. And while I’ll have this money, I really don’t want to spend all my spendin money booking my hotel. If I were to get it for $800, who is willing to split? In either case I’m hoping some nice people are willing to spit a room with me at Gold Coast or Rio. Please PM me. I think I have about 24 hours before I have to commit to either purchasing at the Rio or possibly Imperial Palace (though I’ve heard the rooms are great).