need new avatar

hey guys i need someone to make me an av of a anchor just like the navy anchor the one that have USN but instead of the USN it says TCO. thank you

threw it together real quick…hope ya like

hey i know theres like a thousand request threads now so il just do it here (really quick)can someone just resize this pic ( i already cropped it from another pic) and resize i so i can use it for an av?

would really appreciate it. =]

thanks dude its thight

Yo i would like a new MvC2 avitar, I want team matrix on it storm/sent/cyclops and i want it to say go ducjr. go and have cyclops beaming straight up plz can anyone hook me up??? Thanks in advance :clap:

TCO: glad ya like it man…enjoy :slight_smile:

Fetus and DucJr: Im at school right now but ill be done in about an hour so ill go home and take care of your requests…DucJr, if your not wanting an animated gif i can do it no problem…do you want sprite pics or a lil more of something else? kinda like this one i did for another guy…

I was looking for animation but if you can’t do it thats fine ill take the normal one, but if you can annimate plz do, and ya those pics were dope but i was looking for like the whole character if you can thanks alot :slight_smile: :clap:

here ya go…sorry took a while…had to make cyke’s beam cuz the image didnt have it w/ him for some reason…but its done…hope ya like…lemme know if there is any problem w/ it

Fetus: here is your resize request…have fun :slight_smile:

Hey Whats Up Saint I Dont Know If Got My Im But It Would Be Kool If U Made Me A Avatar…
U Some Skills

Hey I have a avatar request for my friend. I would like for cable(MVC2) to be on it and have the name .IriKeT. on it. Any submits would be great. I would also be greatful if it was animated gif too but it is up to you guys. THX in advance!!!

ok…hehe…i didnt realize this was gonna become my personal AV request thread but since its turning out that way just make sure you guys tell me what it is you want…(Evo) lol…or you guys can just pm me w/ your request…thing is right now im at school trying to do a project thats due sat. and ill probably be doing all-nighters for the next two nights…but sunday i have off so i’ll get around to them then…just right now i have to do a 3000-7000 poly game level no bigger than 30x30x30 (Maya grid units) fully textured, shaded and lighted…sighs…so just have paticence w/ me :slight_smile:

The Saint

hey saint i would be pleased if you could tell me what you think of my avatar i made. I dont normally make small stuff like this but i opened photoshop and threw somthing together. Please be honest, i respect what you have to say because you oviosly know what your talking about

Yo I Want Badass Magento Avatar Animated If Possible And Make Sure Magneto Is Looking Mean And Badass And The Word Evolution Somewhere On It Thanks…take Your Yime Sunday Is Kool

taking a lil break from school for a few minutes…not bad Miya…i would say that the background looks a little empty…but the name makes it work…just takes practice to make things look as good as you want…im just now getting in to custom stuff…but mostly i work w/ photo manipulation…just taking photos and adding differnt effects, inverting colors and adding different filters…just take some time to play around w/ tools and such…also check Rei’s sticky in this forum…he’s got some good photoshop tutorials…as for Evo and anyone else w/ an AV request it will have to wait til this weekend…gotta get back to work…blah :frowning:

Thanks man ill take that into consideration next time i make an avatar. And Thanks for the input again.

hey guys…i got a little bit of time today so ill get to your requests after i run some errands…thanks for the patience

The Saint