So Ive been playing balrog for awhile and got alot of his combos down but I am having trouble with using TAP.
I cant get when to use it to go around fireballs. and sometimes when I do get around them I just get thrown. Whens a good time to use this and how exactly do you time it to get passed fireballs.
Thanks for the help.
Its name is TURN AROUND punch, so like its name, when he is turning around he has invincibility frames.
I find it best to do it when the projectile is just about to hit you, so your animation is that you move around the projectile. Does that make sense?
Just be careful with TAP though, a smart player would usually throw some jabs out to catch your TAP or EX super amours.
The further you are away from your opponent, the more risky this move becomes, just remember that.
its also a great move to use when they start spamming focus attacks to eat your non armor breaking attacks and you’re walking forward. but like garylok said, its pretty stupid to throw these out from too far away. just use it to pressure ur opponent from about mid screen and slowly work them into the corner and put the hurt on them. along with standing jab, low forward stuffs this too.
TAP is a decent tool, but like all of balrogs buttons/specials, you need to know the range. It’s not as big a deal as it was in super with fireball characters but its still there. Most projectile characters, i.e. ryu/sagat even guile to some extent will bait you into avoiding a fireball. Since TAP usually travels about 3/4 the screen, when you tap through a fireball you’re pretty much in range of an ultra.
In Vanilla ryu’s would throw a fireball and then super you right afterwards, now it can’t be done since there can only be one fireball of any type on the screen at once, but with ryu’s u2 (or sagat’s u1) the danger is still there. Also TAP only has a certain “window” of invincibility, i.e. You can TAP through Honda’s lp and mp headbutt, but not HP headbutt since it has more active frames that invincibility frames.
Now that I’ve given you more information than you asked for, that’s just my two cents.
In addition to 3nigmat1c’s post, all I have to say is: don’t overuse it, and use the level 1 version.
Thanks guys. Ive been having trouble online with the amount of ryus who just hadoken and then jump backwards wen u go through them. I tried using TAP but i coudnt get the timing down.
Thanks for posting this. I was having trouble with the TAP timing as well.