So far, it seems I can zone out most of the cast pretty well, but as far as Parasoul goes, I have alot of trouble with her simply because it seems all of her normals (ESPECIALLY j. HP) beat out mine instantly and once she gets in or resets me with a grab, there aren’t many options I can do except eat combos. What would be the best way to start out a match between her besides jumping back and doing whatever? And what should I do to make myself more wary of her godlike normals and j. HP?
Best way to start a match, I normally teleport instantly behind as normally they don’t expect it (If they do, you can always fake it). Jump back HK also works for me. For Parasoul’s j.HP, you really don’t want to contest that shit, justy push block it (maybe contest with j. HP occasionally). Just call in a HP. Item Drop and block while you are running away, this is also a great time to throw out your Double Ass/ Napalm Pillar/ Updo/ Fiber Upper etc. Once at fullish screen, you want to obviously start zoning her out. Use your st. HP constantly and cancel it into something else according to the situation. Always try keep one of the George’s on the screen at all times, keeps her tear game in check. You don’t want to commit to Bang! Bang! Bang! or full-screen Argus Agony as the time it takes leaves you open to Egret bike grab and her level 3. If you notice that she is doing Egret projectile absorbs throw out a HP. Item Drop every now and then. If you are pinned in the corner, pushblock to the best of your ability, then call assist and/ or teleport. Hopefully this helped.
Really? This is probably Peacock’s best matchup. Parasoul has no double jump or air dash and extremely limited tools for actually getting in. Just zone her out like a champ and use your assists properly. If she ever actually attacks you - pushblock and call your get off me assist. Don’t let her actually do a full block string on you - that is suicide versus most of the cast. Usually they’ll hit you twice and call either a lockdown or command grab assist which means you’re in a world of trouble… you just have to pushblock that first hit and you’ll be fine.
The real problem is Painwheel as she’ll just fly over whatever you throw at her but the good news is that there are very few people who actually use her.
See, here’s the thing. I run solo Peacock, so I have no “get off me” assist besides shadows. Parasoul just gives me so much trouble since her j. HP acts almost like a Haggar pipe that leads into a full combo. Not to mention she can annoy me all day by shooting a bunch of napalm shots near me so I can’t zone as much as I want to without one of the mines blowing up in my face. So really, it’s one of my worst matchups personally. Although I have no trouble with Painwheel at all. All I do is just call in a shadow while she’s flying and knock her out of the sky and into my projectile spam.
Hate to say this, but trying to run Peacock solo is your problem. If nothing else you should run an assist character, I only barely play Parasoul but if I didn’t have Napalm Pillar my Peacock would be damn near worthless.
Solo Peacock isn’t viable, you’re going to have play a larger team.
If her jumping HP is really giving you that much trouble then I think I know what you’re doing wrong. First… you’re not pushblocking it. In addition to this realize that the multiple hits of that attack are NOT a block string. Each hit is a frame trap. Or at least some of them are. What this means is that if you block the first hit while standing - and then automatically start holding down-back out of habit to block the next attack then the second/third/etc hit of the attack will land since it’s an overhead attack and then she’ll get a full combo. Make sure you stay standing while blocking the entire attack - resist the urge to start holding down back… or better yet - just pushblock it.
? j.Fierce is a single hit. j.Roundhouse are multiple.
oops - I must have messed up my jump-in attacks. I dunno why j.Fierce would give you any trouble at all… Her J.HK though reminds me a lot of Chun-Li’s jump in double fierce attack in SF4.