Close rh(knee) > jumping after them > headstomp(down mk) in air > fierde fierce in air = 4 hits.
I cannot do it.
When i superjumpcancel after i launched them with the rh knee imostly
miss the next hit.
How is this done best?
What is the best way to do dash up lightning legs?
that combo doesn’t work. im not sure if it will even work after stun, i think it would be 3 hits only
the best way to do dash up legs, is to use double tap method on whatever button you use during the dash (i use MK) and drum it, and then when you come out of the dash mash d+k. that way, if you fucked up the partitioning you’ll get c.MK (delay) lighting legs or c.MK -> lighting legs, instead of shitty s.MK
I prefer using HK. It’s better lightning legs, and you don’t have do hold down to make sure you don’t screw up with a s.MK. If you buffer with c.MK, you run the risk of doing c.MK (delay) MK lightning legs, which can make you eat stuff you don’t want to, despite getting an easy hitconfirm if the c.MK connects.
Using HK is safer since if you fail, you get a close HK which is not only comes out much faster than c.MK, but also sets you up pretty safely for various followups (jump back if they parry, karathrow/mixup if they block, sj-cancel an SA2 if it hits).
The only time i’ve seen that combo after st. RH is after a KO…
Yeah, but i think i’ve seen amir doing it in game.Might be on a dizzy opponent.
I still cannot do it ;_;