Need help pulling off a combo

So Im trying to pull a combo with Urien that comes from the Anniversary strategy Guide. It goes:

Crouching HP, EX Dangerous Headbutt, early HK Chariot Tackle, then Jupiter Thunder (or Jupitel or Temporal or whatever-the-%&$#-its-called).

I get most of it down but every time and unlease the Jupiter Thunder the guy always falls down before it can hit him. What am I doing wrong?

oh and Im using the anniversary edition arcade stick it thats relevant…

when you do chariot tackle, buffer a hcf motion then K the all you have to do is roll a qcf and punch and Jupiter thunder. So it should be hold down back or back, hcf+K xx qcf P and jupiter thunder will come out.

But on real just use aegis…it’s that hawtness.

not good enough for aegis yet:sad: speaking of which do you whats the most damaging combo you can pull with the Jupiter thunder?

no not really…never used Jupiter thunder…I know there’s like a 100% stun combo you can do to akuma with it though…

I just managed to pull it off ty:wgrin:

use aegis. no such thing as not good enough for aegis. youre never gonna learn how to use aegis unless you use it.