Hello, I recently picked up SSF4 since my friend dislike the structure of UMVC3 (he just hate faster paced honestly but oh well…). His main is Ryu and me being Ken / Akuma.
TL;DR I am still a scrub who can’t beat special spammer. And here goes the long version:
His strategy is quite straight forward that I can map them all out here:
ranked on %use.
1)Fireball spam, use EX whenever I max range trade a few for meter/ focus for ultra meter.
2)Tatsu, half-screen or start of rounds mostly. He then follow up with DP or throw.
4)light DP spam to pressure me to corner.
5)Jump lp->throw.
6)c.lp x2->throw.
7)Crouch block until I move in or attk, then sweep. Sometimes random sweep.
8)His wake-up game is space to bait my reversal / meatie fireball (I don’t even know if this is called meatie, but I have no option but block.), or repeat 1-7.
Note: He have no slightest idea or finesse to perform any FADC, and he can only do Ultra 1 on DP counter / when I FB.
Q: I have read and practiced on my bnb, footsie and fundamentals (basic frame data vs Ryu, etc.)
however all my match with him feels so different from even bad gameplay on youtube. While I’m doing pokes and punish on his DP or whiff, it feels like we are playing two different games where mine is based on normal and his specials.
How do I counter his playstyle? If the vet community call that a proper one.
Yes I also felt his jump-in are stupid to not anti-air, however I tried c.HP and different DP it all ended as a trade. execution problem? should I read it or gamble it since I feel like playing a rolling dice of 8 sides versus him.
So far we are 50/50 to win after a night long gaming section.
Below is more on mentality:
He is the type of players that would:
i)comment at the moment he got consecutive knock down on me / end of match up, saying “haha” “hit!” “missed! bahaha” “you are too offensive / defensive”, and “lol relax, it’s just a game” AFTER he won.
Personally I can take any lost in gaming. I played FPS, RTS and pvp in mmo(lol I know right?) so much that shadowed FG. Losing is part of my gaming cycle but this type of post-match comments are getting to my nerves. It just affect my performance alot as I can’t mute him like what I usually do across the internet.
I felt pointless to verbally telling him to STFU, instead I want to use my arcade stick to do the talking…but well…he turned the volume down to listen to my inputs too…