Need help on my modded Joytron Arcade Stick

I have no problems playing both my sticks on my ps3, but if I use it on my ps2, my joystick don’t work. Only my buttons work… Need help… Thx

Does you Joytron have USB or PS2 by default?
Also what boards you use for the Mod?
Something tells me the Joystick is not wired to both boards or one of the boards isn’t full common ground.

Also can we have pics of the wiring on the inside

it has both ps2 and ps3 stock

It has both ps2 and ps3 and it isn’t common ground, I cut the pcb and solder 4 to each spot. The problem is I had no problem playing SSFIV, but what I plug it to my ps2. it only works when I wasn’t playing any game. When I start the game, KOF MIRA by the way, the stick stop working.

Full sanwa… btw

Anyone? I hate playing fighting games with gamepads…

I think its something to do with the voltage of the ps2 vs the ps3… something about the ps2 being a 3v system… but I could be wrong… I think that might of been an issue with the spark optical board… not sure how this would be with a normal jlf…

Yeah… I have a feeling there is something to do with the power. It works when you don’t put any disk in my ps2 and I can do it for the browser and the settings but not in game. When I start the game the stick completely stop working, only the button works. Any way to fix it?

Mayflash/Joytron PS2 mode joysticks operates on analog and not digital (unfortunately). Unless there’s a way to toggle on input from analog in KoF like you can in GG or HnK in the options menu, you may be out of luck.

Ok… Thanks a lot anyway…