Need help against Ken/Ryu

You have advantage over both characters lol

dont wanna sound like a dick but that vid was pretty disgusting. ive never seen anyone AA so much by repeatedly doing

Id be completely honest wit you, you’re a dick when it comes to listening to advices. here’s what you do stop whining and hit up sf4.
Not good at sagat ? then practice, after all practice makes perfect right ? you should thank these people for wasting their time/post giving you advice and yet you whine like a kid.
im not hatin, im just saying whats true.
i used to suck at sagat, but i practice/play , do challenges, go to arcades. so i learned this/that along the way, which makes me a better sagat player

MAGO IS BEAST, love how he plays sagat:tup:

So lovely, so i played the same OP for this thread today. His akuma/gouki (guess he gave up on Sagat) got his ass whooped by my sagat, quits before the match is over, then sends me messages about how I’m a coward, pussy, quit because I lost to him, what not. Hahahahaha, what a punk. I knew it was the same asamoraj that was gonna make my life easy playing him with my sagat so I didn’t really try all that hard either.

So then he asks me for a game again, & then tells me I’m crying to my mommy because I’m playing against someone else who’s truly worth my time playing against, so I told him that I’m busy playing against another player after you ragequit. Then he goes berserk & said OOOOOOO I’m scared blahblahblah. Hahahahahha, I’d love to play that scrub more.

wow dude…seriously how old are you?

first of all i think its a stupid question in the first place, im 100% on this but sagat have better effing recovery rate from fireballs than ryu or ken. so stop bitching about sagat just because you suck as him. if he doesn’t work for you then go fucking play as someone else, you make a sagat player like me pisses off.

Second- don’t fucking throw balls at an unsafe distance, there you go problem solved!

thridly- you’re a fucking scrub. And if what people said about you and your rage quitting is true, please quit SFiv, go play halo.

Well when all the kens and ryus you play , play like that then yeah you would eat them all for breakfast. lol at jumping medium kick spam

ahaha I especially liked the [media=youtube]dOabjZ4kFsQ#t=4m43s"[/media] mark

“Oh fuck i’m gonna lose; no need to show that. next match!”
