Need GD's Advice

KAre you gonna make out with the doll once you have it. You should masterbate on it’s face before you give it back.

Are you gonna leave a ransom note or are you going to call him? If you leave a note you should leave some dirty pictures of you and the doll. Make that dude crazy and desperate. Be sure to wear a mask of something crazy like goku or some other well known anime dude. Some kinda crazy anime beast would be perfect. You said the dude is some crazy anime dude or something…use tentacles.

Also, cut off one of it’s toes and leave it in some peanut butter.

My only advice is to loosen up your anus in preparation for the penetration you will be receiving for the next SIX years for a class H felony. Post a pic so I can recommend the proper shade of lipstick for you to wear when after you get turned out Trixie.

Aw man!! :rofl: NOW we’ve got a plan going. Get some of your friends and pull a gravy train on her (It?) and send him the evidence…of course, make sure he has to pay for S&H for added damage. :tup:


Also, for years, I have wanted to post an ad on Craigslist for a “gently used Real Doll.” E-mail responses would be featured on a website or thread here on SRK.

“Anus is a little blown out, but this girl is in otherwise prime condition. Owned/ loved by a disease free, non-smoker.”


rcadio is all about the Asian quality of his wife, and all that he derives from ringing said prize.

Different schtick.

fishjie… we’re all just so very proud that he found a normatively proportioned female with whom to have consentual not monetarily influenced cuddling.

Different schtick.

The Vynce is in a category of his own for creating his own Arthurian Legend, with his Once & Future Wife.

Different schtick.

Sovi3t fucks anything with at least one hole and potentially lactating nipples.

Get on their level, son.

Join him. Get your own Anime Doll, do double dates, movie nights and even share a bed with you 4. BF4L

If you need extra money why don’t you sell your balls cause you’s a bitch.

Man, MGD makes you mean on a Sunday.

Don’t talk about illegal shit like this on the forums. It’s not welcome here.

And im pretty sure it’s a pathetic attempt at a troll thread. Just in case you were wondering, you’re not funny.