Dante seems to have more Frank synergy, but Vergil works better with Wolverine and is a better anchor. I can’t decide.
Dante hands down. Jam session is a top 3 assist for Wolverine and is probably the same for Frank. Without Jam session or mystic ray Wolverine has a very tough time against Trish and other characters who can camp at the top of the screen.
Vergil hands down.
Dante sucks.
In a game as random and Tier heavy as this game I would say Vergil if you are are trying to win. Dante can be a good anchor but Vergil has a lot more safe options as an anchor IMO.
I usually choose dante for my Wolve/Frank, I usually do basic Wolve Bnb into TAC tagging frank for a quick lvl 3 or 4.
For dante’s assist, go for jam session.