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I have been playing a Gamora/Chris with Time Stone. I usually tag Chris in after a hit confirm with Gamora into lp,lk,hp,hk Flamethrower which gives you enough time to tag back in Gamora to finish off combo or use time stone tag for ambiguous side reset. I used to main Chris in UMVC3 but I have to say the changes to the land mines and grenades are a little rough.
Thanks for sharing all your stuff brainfraud. May put up some of my matches on Youtube. I probably have to find a better approach than to spamming pistol / time stone during super jump.

I think the pistol during super jump is a necessary since grenades and landmines have some massive negatives. It be one thing if they disappeared when Chris got hit, but its a whole other ball game since people can destroy them.

Because of these huge issues with his traps it feels like there is no reason to stay on the ground as Chris in my opinion.

I can kind of understand Incendiary Grenade since Chris can manually detonate it early therefor he has a way of not allowing his opponent to destroy it.

Landmine is totally different, Chris cannot destroy it or detonate it early. Heres the thing, he can only have one Landmine out at any given point. If he places a Landmine after another one the previous one disappears since this is the case Capcom should patch in Chris the ability to detonate his Landmine by performing Down Down LK while a Landmine is active.

Yeah you used to get a positive trade with landmine in UMvC3 its current iteration is kind of useless as it stands… at least I have not really found a way to use them for mix ups effectively. Not to mention hit confirming off of the grenade and landmine can be quite difficult. Still not really sure how to deal with people jumping to top and spamming reality stone, maybe thats when I should place some landmines…
I also don’t like that you lose the homing missile (second shot) grenade launcher on hit, also not a welcomed change. Just finished my last session, some lobby/ranked if you guys are interested in some game play. Be warned its not too pretty lol. Video

The only use I see for the landmine as this point is a setup for the tag partner or part of the combo. I’m convinced that it’s not really any longer for Chris himself because of the weaknesses stated above. Hey Buster I fight pretty similarly as Chris but you can super jump hop shotgun for pressure and you can also play around with a trap. The slide also has a long reach. If you tag while Chris does magnum with no ammo it’ll come out as a delayed attack so you can use the other character as bait and then when chris hits them with Magnum you can combo off it. You can cancel flamethrower into grenades Tag and maybe do a safe mixup that way. Just some ideas. Also I think it’s worth it to combo Happy Birthdays to level 3 as there aren’t that many level threes that can damage both players.

Yeah I was thinking the same thing, will need to see what kind of mix ups can be done with landmine/grenade tags. Thanks for the feedback JStrikerX I definitely need to work on my short hops, right side is better for me than left . Nice tip on the no ammo tag.

Probably already mentioned in this thread.

  • Shotgun is really useful against Reality Stone spam.

  • Jumping and performing Magnum without ammo can sometimes throw your opponent off. You can do this on the ground too even into a tag but be careful.

  • Elbow Drop (Jumping Down LP) is very useful, try to use this often.

  • Incendiary Grenades after killing the opponent first character, I believe you can have two on screen at a time. And you can kinda control their distances if you use a corner

  • I haven’t tested with everybody but some characters can even destroy Landmines when they switch. Example if you place a mine and Iron Man switches into active battle and he comes in contact with the mine during his switch then he’ll destroy the Landmine. Of course if Iron Man is pressing a button like standing LP on incoming switch he’ll still get hit by the mine

  • If Chris is full screen prone from Iron Man and he does a standing Proton Cannon his prone shot will not interrupt Proton Cannon, the shots will get blocked by the Beam/Cannon. In order for prone shot to interrupt he cannot be more than like 75% of a full screen.

  • Chris can use the LP, LK (ice) and HK (lighting) Reality Stone Storm whilst prone.

Its a shame Incendiary Grenade doesnt bounce off the Space Stone box walls when Chris is trapped inside, lol. I also tested pretty much every character with Chris mine/grenades to see if there was any special interactions like Nemesis rockets setting them off or Dante guns, nope. No special interactions.

Chris/Frank stuff from Olaf

I was testing this out and the timing on the camera shots can be a bit tricky but not too hard to do. There is a mid screen and full screen combo that works as well. I was also able to get to level 5 with Frank as the lead. Never played Frank, will have to see if he is a worth while sub.

This feels like Chris was probably super strong at one point in development and they toned him down in fear he would just wreak people. you can feel it. Some of these attacks of his feellike if you just dial it up a notch it would be a nightmare.

Maybe over time they can give some love to his arsenal mainly his Mines and Grenades, he actually had more grenades and I think you could control where they went though I could be wrong. Also its a bit silly for opponents falling from an aerial combo makes the mine explode but does not do damage. maybe oversight?

I feel like if his mines and nades didnt disappear or get destroyed he still wouldnt be top tier but yeah the Ammo on Magnum too its like they were scared of him or something and nerfed him too much IDK.

I honestly dont mind the Ammo, I think it adds a bit of depth to the character because you can use the delayed Magnum shot as an extra utility. I just really think his traps are horrible specifically Landmine.

Honestly though how many Traps in MVCI function this way? I think Spencer bombs exists even if he gets hit and obviously Dorm Thorns cannot be destroyed but I’ve heard Rocket has similar issues with his traps aside from his Hyper Combo trap.

So now that we are clear as to how they function, how do we apply them?

Do we apply them as a combo ender? After
(Ctp. Marvel grab ender)
(Ultron grab ender)
After slide?
Haven’t played him much, what’s his game plan. Super short jump - HK
Flamethrower - mag shot is good

Really not too sure how to deal with team spam Reality stone in the corner.

Forgot to post the Video

Eh you’re much better than me, I usually use a lot of Shotgun against Reality Stone spam.

The one thing I noticed was resource management with your Time Stone at the end. Combos scale hard and you just activated your Time Stone, because of the scaling you werent going to kill Thanos with Satellite Laser so you should not have used it that early. Instead reset and try to get some use out of your Storm custom combos then when Storm Gauge is about to run out perform Satellite Laser perhaps you could have gotten a chip kill with it or something.

Plus your opponent pops Reality Stone right after, gotta remember when your stone is active you’re denying the opponent from using theirs. By ending yours early you gave them access to theirs.

I try to use my free lvl3 at the last second unless if its going to guarantee a kill.

Shotgun and flamethrower works. Remember for every shot with Chris you usually have two to work with while the opponent only has reality stone. . Also grounded shotgun works well against normal jump reality stone to keep them in check. I would have tried setting up trap while they’re super jump reality stone on the jump down. You also can cancel shot to time stone for space. Like you can do air gun shot time stone air gun shot. You’ll usually get a few pot shots off. If you have the life lead, there is no way they can play that kind of game. I think you have to prove to that guy that you’re not afraid of the reality stone, usually if you do it and catch them off guard twice, they tend to stop using it. Also Gamora has that anti air right? You can try doing that for the trade, which you’ll do more than the reality stone to say “Yeah, how long you gonna keep doing that?” I’m not a Gamora user but she can capitalize from anywhere and her bullets beat everything. I use hulk as my partner so when they try that crap I just gamma charge and eat the hit. People tend not to trade with Hulk so thats how I beat that.

I was thinking I should of tried Gamoras anti air more. I tried throwing flame grenades against jedah but his stupid pin wheel would destroy them mid air…
I generally do tey to save my Infinity Surge for after downing an opponent to try to prevent theirs…let’s just say I was quite tilted playing this guy for some reason I thought it would of killed…panic infinite surge…
Thanks for the feed back everyone.

So how do you open people up as chris? He feels too slow to get any pressure done and his moves don’t feel good at getting people of him when their airdashing/tridashng on you.

Mines can set off grenades however grenades have no effect on mines what so ever

Here is a longer video