hey, i haven’t played on a cabinet and with a arcade joystick since 1995, SF2, Fatal Fury, SS2, Mortal Kombat 1 days…
so i went to next level, tried to play the SSF4 cabs there, and i couldn’t even do the most basic quarter circle and shoryuken moves consistently on the joystick due to my 15 year absence from playing on a cabinet and using a joystick.
*the only thing i’ve been playing fighters with this whole time, is the ps2/ps3 console controller…and i’ve been postponing the inevitable for too long, which is getting an arcade style controller.
so, i was wondering if you guys can give me some advice on which one i should get and your opinions as too why.
first off, i should mention that since i’ve never gotten one before…i’m only looking for one thats for 150 dollars or less, since i’ll most likely end up breaking it in time before my left hand “calms down” and i don’t find myself exerting to much force on the stick from my lack of comfort with it in beginning to use one.
second, i need it for the ps2 console, not so much for the ps3.
now, i know that the good arcade controllers have this “square” cage or base for the joystick, located inside the controller…and that that makes a world of difference in being able to commit precise and consistent inputs for diagonal directions…i.e. low-blocking. that i know.
i also know that there are 2 different types of buttons on arcade controllers.
one type that sorta has the mechanics that console issued controllers have…you know that like,…where you have too exert a decent amount of pressure for your input to register. and the other type where you barely have to even tap it…and your inputs register…that are like touch sensitive.
i also know one can mod your arcade controller with different parts from different manufacturers, but not all controllers allow for customization. i know that.
well, anyway, i need a good stick for 150 bucks or less. for playing ps2 games. any advice on --which model, manufacturer, customizable parts, and modding it afterwards, and about why some sticks have input lag and what causes it–, is appreciated.
now, i have my eye on the HORI Real Arcade Pro stick version 3…since it seems to have everything i’m looking for.
-the fact that it has alot of base to the left of the stick, so i can rest my left hand on it.
-it has 8 buttons, which might have good response to touch sensitivity…i think?or so i’ve read from reviews.
-it has a reliable square cage for the stick.
but it says that it is for the ps3.
can a arcade stick that was made for the ps3 be used on a ps2 console?
or do i need some type of a ps3 to ps2 controller adapter?
i don’t know!
i’m 100% noobish at this!
lastly, i should mention the games i’m looking to play the stick with are generally “new school” fighters such as the Melty Blood, Guilty Gear, Arcana Heart, Fate/UC games.
games that require quick 123 type inputs and need the least amount of input lag from an arcade stick, as is possible for a 150 buck or less controller.
everyone, thanks in advance.
sorry to tech talk mods if i made a mistake in creating this thread. not sure where to post this.