Need advice about Akuma

Hey, I was wondering that I saw in one of these vids with Ohnuki in it, with his Akuma, and he did a f-MP into Raging Demon ala 3rd Strike but I can’t seem to do it that well, any advice on how to do that.

pm vasaznion for details

u can do f+mp (ring finger), jab(middle), jab(index), f, short(thumb), fierce(ring)

now practace teh shit out of that

alright thanks

Since we’re on the subject of demons. Could someone tell me the method of performing the break stock into demon.


but really:
lp (index) + hp + hk (both with pinky), lp (index), f, lk (dick), hp (face)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

basically with the F-mp you have to finish the raging demon (F, FP), by the time he’s midway into his overhead.

so when akuma is doing the overhead and his arm is 45 degrees, that is when your raging demon should come out.

just be fast as shit

Um…there’s actually an easier way to do this. All you have to do is just press:

f+mp+lp, lp, f, lk, fp.

Same concept with break stock RD:

fp+fk+lp, lp, f, lk, fp