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So, top to bottom, that’s back/home/start, then the L3/R3, then the 4 shoulder buttons, then the 4 face buttons, then the 2 analogues?
Would a 3rd stick be worthwhile for dpad controls too? Or a hitbox layout?
Some tech talkers are working on a single analogue stick atm to work with smash bros, which might be a good resource for whoever gives it a shot.

BIIIIIIIIIIG EDIT: I’ve gotten really into this idea since reading it and had a good snoop around.
Found a company called Quasimoto do/did a range of analogue arcade sticks:

They appear on sites like AbleGamers (great charity for finding solutions to disability-specific gaming difficulties) as a solution for people with cerebral palsy etc

Finding one to buy seems pretty tough, the Quasicon website and every link I can find that leads to a shop for them has dried up, but it’s clear that they’re out there and there are a few of them. Again, maybe asking on AbleGamers would be a good shout, to see if anyone has one for sale. The last one on ebay went for $41 and a custom job won’t come near that price.

Would love to see someone on TT give it a shot though.

Rufus, I live near Lyon in France.

The thum style analogs work OK for me, they would need to be of a grippy material so my finger doesn’t slip on them.

I have a PS3 on which I play only fighting games with the Hori Fighting Stick 3 I manage to use relatively well even though I don’t like the buttons position:

manbehinthewires, I made a quick doc with the legend: (I left lots of space between the buttons but that isn’t necessary dunno why I did that!)

As for the Quasicon, I had one years ago but the thing was massive (10lbs on my thighs, ouch I think the max I could take would be 4 to 5 lbs), the sticks were somehow strangely responsive (delay?), and the buttons were curved inside which was not very convenient for me (I’d prefer flat or rounded for a better feel of it).

I got a response from Jason at GIANTSWORD, any of you guys could do such a stick?

Let me know!

I think that several people here could build something like that, but the logistics are problematic for people in the US.

You mean shipment? Hows that?

Basically, yes. Shipping the stick back and forth if something goes wrong is going to be expensive and slow. There’s also potential time difference and currency issues.

Damn no modders in colorado

I can help you out with some stuff. I haven’t done any mods for XBOne or PS4 but I’m willing to give it a try :wink:


Thanks Darksakul, looks fine but the analogs may just not be placed ideally for me. Actually Jason from Giantsword has agreed on building me a custom stick, I’ll post photos when I’ll get it!

Please do! Glad to hear it’s working out :slight_smile:

Maybe its time I get put on here.

Salt lake city Utah.
Can do any mods xbox 360, ps3, xbox one, and ps4. Other modding services like stick art as well

Amazing still no one around in the Los Angeles / Santa Monica area.


where at in colorado are you located? I have a namco stick that I tried modding and I can’t even get it back to stock, so frustrated considering I went and bought supplies to mod the stick.

Anyone in New York? PM’ed Hak waiting on response.

I suppose I can be added. Albuquerque, New Mexico. Don’t have any pictures at the moment but I have worked with Jasens’s Customs, can do nice clean wiring (netted and heat shrinked). I have done LED mods with the Kaimana controller board.

Guess no one saw me mod one of those sticks for ps3,360, ps4, xb1?

How did I miss that? I don’t care what anyone says, THAT is the stick mod of the year.


I honestly thought that was gonna be a link to a troll face or something.
Seriously Gummo, that’s a stick to be proud of.

anyone actively doing mods in San Francisco? Want to do an LED button (maybe balltop) mod… also padhacking a PS4.

PM me