Need a Modder/Builder in Your Area? Check This Post

Add me to the list please, Snarfulz with Whaaat! Custom Fightsticks, Snellville Ga.

Edited my post on page 4, I canā€™t take on any jobs right now because of school.

Is there anyone in the Central Florida/ Orlando area that can dual mod my TE. I am asking because Devilsfang hasnā€™t replied to me yet

I probably should have mentioned you can add me under the Oregon/Washington areas

Looking for someone to just switch out buttons on a stick with an LED mod in the bay area. I messaged a few of the local modders but havenā€™t heard anything back. Are any bay area modders planning on going to some of the larger tournys?

Does anyone know where I can buy a replacement MadCatz TE shell or case??

Best bet would be the Trading Outlet.

looking for a modder in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area to do a PS3 -> 360 mod to a Round 2 TE.

Sorry I have been away for a couple months. Holidays, and am working on getting a house to host local sessions. I will update the thread soon.


Updates made.

The link for mine is still broken.

Fixed buddy.

I am in need of a SAN DIEGO modder. I have a MLG stick, TE Kitty board, and TE-s harness. I have the parts and need a modder to mod it for me!
There was no SD modder on the california section of the list on this thread :frowning:
If anyone knows a modder in SD please let me know their info.
I am hoping to get this done this weekend!

the point of a kitty is to be able to do it yourself
it isnā€™t hard

sorry if i just cost someone some business

He already contacted me to install. :wgrin:
No costing my business at all.

Changing your own oil isnā€™t hard either, but most people feel better having a pro handle things for them so it gets done right the first time.

add me as a modder for the seattle/tacoma WA areas

Iā€™m looking for a modder in the mississippi area. If you could pm me iā€™d like to get a price on a mod.

Adding my self to the list. Sat down and modded with Gummo at Winter Brawl 6, which has boosted my speed. I now feel I can make time to do them. Plus I want to make a name for my self after being called Strogg 7 times this weekend.

New Jersey - Cherry Hill

Looking for a modder who goes to Wednesday Night Fights (super arcade). The work I need done requires swapping out generic hori parts on a US Tekken 5 Anniversary Stick for sanwa stick and buttons.