Need a Logo Made!

I need a logo made in illustrator that can be cut out with a vinyl cutter. its just words… “Team Mediocre Preformance” it has to be in 2 parts because i want it to look like its a black outline around white letters. i would like the font to be like the capcom style.

actually heres what i want…

i want it to look like that but with a thicker black section and in vectors(dont just convert it to .ai it wont be what im asking for) you have to create separate paths for each colored part(1 file for black 1 file for white)

please if you know how to do this help me out!

THANKS! pm me if you are willing to work with me on this.

I can do this, but I need the Font. It’s called ITC Korinna Bold. Do you have a copy of it?

no i dont actually. my friend made that for me.

here -