Necro is top tier ...when

when you watch , N3_Chikyu VS flashg

necro VS chun li … unbelievable , round 2 … necrojust able to beat her with very few life

damn !! chikyu VS izu was tight !

It’s important to remember that people like Chikyu and pinoAB7 are what’s top tier, and not necro. :wink: They are able to make a moderately decent character into a fantastic death machine. I have so much damned respect for those guys. Also the guys like TK who play Q or the Hugo players. Anybody that can hang with the big boys, using characters that obviously have their flaws, rock that asshouse. =)

yeah … that makes people correct their misunderstanding , and i hate scrub/newbie saying that nec/Q/12 should be remove:( because of lousy design …

chikyu has the best 12 too ??

Yeah, his 12 is pretty crazy. It’s intense to see a 12 actually compete well. :wink:

why he don’t use XFLAT ?? i bet he will luv’ it !!
i know the major useful about XNDL , because of ex STUFF …

he nvr use stealth too … anyway i’ve seen some vids where 12 use stealth strategy …it was actually an assasin tecnique