Nebraska- where mups never get old

What up people…we don’t have a space on here anymore so thought I’d bring the thread back to life n see if we have anyone newbies or people that wana game haha

haha stfu

Lmao shut up chad

HI guys. I know it has been forever since I have been on here. lol I met up with some of the guys at a Gamestop SFV tournament, it was great seeing some old friends and chatting. I will post my PSN gamertag here, not in the database lol Let me know you are from here when adding me. Thanks! I will post my XBox gamertag later, I have to change it. I am also planning on going to EVO this year :slight_smile:
PSN: Queen_of_Combat

Alot of ppl are plannin to go stacy :slight_smile:

Heey I just moved to Nebraska, was looking for anyone who plays SFV or fighting games in general in the area :smiley: