Ne thread

shit,i couldn’t think of a catchy name,brain is fried from 2 hours of live:rofl:

anyway,how is GGXX#R and CFJ? I would have showed,but either it was tonight or this weekend for a sitter. I think this weekend is the better choice. :tup:]

oh and Cameron,there have been several requests for vids on your Yun. I would like to tape you playing Yun at the FFC or at my place when you visit. :pleased: I have one vid of you playing with Yun and they love it.

sorry for leaving early but when family calls you must go.


Screw holidays :tdown:

I will get that finished. Had a prob with some of the vids burning,dunno why :xeye: anyway,i will make sure it work fine for him too :pleased:

Pudge said to tell everybody Hi! in Ne. He really likes basic Training. He says where he’s at they can do almost anything like order out pizza; play on computers, but no internet; he listens to alot of slipnot; he can have all of his comics and drawing books which is unusual. He said he will be back in Ne. around Dec 21st or 22nd. Stacy he said he wants the CDs. Oh! Klaige pudge says he gettin his spot back, when he comes back. I don’t know what that means. Anyone want to sent him a message, if he has’nt already called, just post of SRK, we print and send him copies of NE Thread. Hey Kris; he’s been tryin to call you. Bye. Good luck this weekend at the tourny. I may be up to take a few pics for him. Hopefully I’ll get one of Halfro :tup:

pudge is a god damn liar, basic training sucked ass. im coming home for christmas this year and staying. gonna pull a terrance,
peace out, c you all for the holidays

pudge called yesterday; he wants to know where you at steve; his unit gets unbeleivable privledges; he’s always outside on the telephone;that way maybe he can sneak by and visit if you standing outside. starting fri his units going on a 4 day in the woods road march; where they pretend there fighting the enemy you know halo stuff with the night scopes and all :wow: then there going to go shopping. fool says army breakfast is off the hook, the rest just ok Anyway pudge says to tell everyone yall still no match for his guilty skills and he wants to have a tournament with everyone when he gets back, so be ready. Oh yea he wants to know is datrick still rollin. he said he’ll call back after the march and post something :party:

you all are scary and steve and pudge you all can call a mexican if you guys want…but ur all still some fake ass gamers… :confused: ok im out see you all at the tournament

love from europe

was up foolce,good to see zall havent changed.zou know me same shit,germanz is cold as hell.hope to see yall for xmas. yo is that capcom shit nz good. holla :karate:

I am not going to come in tonight due to being tired as hell from being at stores at 6am,that shit was crazy:rofl:,plus I am not really interested in SFA games too much anymore

I will defently be there for 3s and KOF 2k3 tommorow. Let me know before I come in tommorow if anything is needed.peace

okay well give my pudge my # 402-490-2486 if that doesnt work well shit i dont know whats up. sal give a brother a call lol i know i aint no jpn broad but i wanna talk:)

:rofl: I love how you said"i aint no jpn broad but i wanna talk" :clap:

Chris is worth 100000 jpn grls

Was up foolce! please post yalls numbers, I lose shit all the time.I’m online at a Internet cafe,no jp grls here :sad: but lots of Fine ass euro ass :clap: I like what zall have done to the place hahaah.Stacz was up,zou don’t plaz SFA anymore.I played marvel and solcal yesterdaz , so I though about yall.Do zall plaz fighting Jam? My German sucks!!! I#ll be online soon so I#ll post usually,Mario I couldnt callyou back cause those calls were costing me about 50 to 70 dollars!!! But I got a better waz now Still lookin for a arcade,been reading One Piece, GTO , Rave,and Tenjo Tenge in German!!! Fill me in on whats new n shit. Holla “RETURN OF THE SALBOT?”

yeah i think most of us are playing fighting jam team bison + guy:)

I havent even played it yet, this sucks!!!

anyway gotta go, how was the N cube? Be back tomorrow Sayonara. Saru

n-cubed was small but very fun. and im glad to have aaron back this christmas should rock with all the people returning.

Sal-nichts viel,stark arbeiten,DOA spielen entscheidend,M Tuschung,Halo 2,CvS2 und GGXX#R auf xbox online. OH- und ich sind noch ber Ausgaben bitter, als Sie verlieen.

yeah,I can speak a little German :rofl:

Whatup Steve,Sal,and Pudge. My niggas holding it down it the army n shit thats some REAL shit on the real all differences aside yall do yall thing. Brave ass cats I tell ya.

Dont bitch out Steve handle it. But if Bush tries something shady u betta fall down some stairs or something or try kissing your drill SRGT.

Yall stay up.
I’m moutro