NDT Weeklies (Sessions) Saturdays @ Gamers Etc. Stockton CA

I wanna learn Tekken! Never played a 3D fighter seriously before but Tag 2 looks bad ass.

call Mystic up…i am sure he want to take ttt2 seriously

So whats the decision?

Sunday it is sorry. I had Midterms to study for and papers to write and a shit ton of reading to get done. I cant wait till next week is over and done with.

i dont think a lot of people might show up this sat because of tight or fight this weekend…but im still down to be there

Hey guys I know I havnt been able to show but keep me informed on how things are going. Lest I can do is take some of your concerns or suggestions and present them to the venue.

ay, is this shit still going on or what??? how many heads show up for marvel and how many marvel set ups?

does anybody from manteca go? if so, let me know. i’m down to drop on gas to carpool or something!

There’s always at least 4 people, 3 of which are Marvel players. There’s 7ish people sometimes but the past 2 weeks there hasn’t been much people. It could be because of Tight or Fight but I don’t know.

I just wish there was more people, preferable Street Fighter or KoF players. I’m the only person that’s not good at Marvel there :frowning:

Pretty much the same 4 that show up every week today.

that’s tight. i’m just tryna play marvel really. i been havin’ the itch, and playin’ online is all bad. i’ma try find a ride with someone who rolls out there from this area…

trying to hit a 32 man bracket for out fright figt tourney oct 7th in merced we have been coming close but havent hit it yet we have fresno to manteca showing up hoping to see so stockton and sac players coming through besides mine

What’s up fellas!
Hope you you can make it down for our tournament next month. We’re gonna have some good competition and we’re streaming as well!
Here’s a link to our event thread: Ground Zero

Day after my birfday! Maybe I can make it I can use my B Day as an excuse haha.

The usual few aren’t going tomorrow, it seems.

ill try to make it

I’ll be here today. Hopefully I’m not the only one going.

Just checking up on the scene. How are the weeklies doing?

Not much of a difference; same four people every week.

=( well good for you guys. I know that many people are just so busy they cant make it out. Like me, cody, matt which is probably why the fighting game scene is so hard to keep going. I am glad you four are keeping it going.

Seven people today :slight_smile: