you know that “Mercedes” is a legit female name and that the founder of said company named it after his daughter?
I can’t stand the name “Franjo” and “Sarah”, the latter only because I allready know 124034019031039123 Sarahs and I can’t comprehend how parents can give their child such an overused name.
I’ve got names that I don’t LIKE, but I can’t think off the top of my head any names that I hear and distrust right away, though.
Abigail and Bethany to name a couple. If you want your daughter to grow up overweight and not attractive, name your daughter Abigail or Bethany. You won’t have any problems with any boyfriends.
wasnt there a study somewhere that giving your kid a tough name in some strange way paves some sort of tough guy course for him in life? I cant remember.
Man, if that was the case then a bunch of people would name their kid Raging Crazy Mega Dude [insert last name].
An old buddy and his wife were telling me that she had a kid in her kindergarten class named KashMuney. Yes, they only told me his first name. I would not trust this kid. I would not trust his parents. It made me sad.
edit - I think the two first names thing is funny.
Anyone named steve. All the ones i’ve met were scumbags. I guess that’s why there’s a fittingly named meme.
Also anyone who has my first name. I’m a terrible person, one of me is enough