Names you just don't trust

you know that “Mercedes” is a legit female name and that the founder of said company named it after his daughter?

I can’t stand the name “Franjo” and “Sarah”, the latter only because I allready know 124034019031039123 Sarahs and I can’t comprehend how parents can give their child such an overused name.

Except most people NOW are oblivious to that and are naming their kids after the car.

The irony…

every person I have ever met named Melvin has been one scary mother fucker

Met some guy called Al Kyder.
Most awkward conversation ever.

people with two first names. people named adolf.


I don’t trust my accountant (Weinstein) one bit

A black guy named Raheem. Just sounds like a back stabbing, no good, grimy kind of dude.

A white guy named Buck or Clemons…sounds racist.

Not too many asian names that sound bad. Unless those few named american names.

Hispanics-----maybe Raul or Jose…every guy I know named by that has shady ass ways. Thats about it.

I’ve got names that I don’t LIKE, but I can’t think off the top of my head any names that I hear and distrust right away, though.

Abigail and Bethany to name a couple. If you want your daughter to grow up overweight and not attractive, name your daughter Abigail or Bethany. You won’t have any problems with any boyfriends. :slight_smile:

wasnt there a study somewhere that giving your kid a tough name in some strange way paves some sort of tough guy course for him in life? I cant remember.

Anyone named fri’chickenisha is a vegan.

what i can trust is guys with girl names

Man, if that was the case then a bunch of people would name their kid Raging Crazy Mega Dude [insert last name].

An old buddy and his wife were telling me that she had a kid in her kindergarten class named KashMuney. Yes, they only told me his first name. I would not trust this kid. I would not trust his parents. It made me sad.

edit - I think the two first names thing is funny.

Yes, by the Johnny Cash Institute.

I dont drink.

Girls with the name beth… usually fat or tremendous whores.

hmmm…gen is looking worse every day.

That’s something I’ve never really seen at all, having known a few of each name in my life.

Anyone named steve. All the ones i’ve met were scumbags. I guess that’s why there’s a fittingly named meme.
Also anyone who has my first name. I’m a terrible person, one of me is enough

Word, I don’t trust anyone with my name either. Probably just some dude pretending to be nice, but he’s really plotting to kill me.

This out of fear.