N Ken Thread

The player that initiates the continue that starts up the player select screen gets their color reset, even if they were an O.char. This glitch only seems to work with a player who was an O. character who continues while the character select screen is already active for the other player.

[quote=“RoboKrikit, post:138, topic:18213”]

Jab button selects White Ken in ST. Red Ken = Jab was Super.QUOTE]

Thanks for answering. Never knew it was possible, don’t think it’s in YBH (course I can’t read japanese so it might be).

What’s even more interesting (sorry for going on-topic/off-topic, as well) is that the super death background animation is produced…however, if the fierce dragon punch killed, it would not produce super death animation. On top of that, presumably the dragon punch would knock Guile into the air, so the dragon punch actually threads in between the hits of the super, the super is what actually kills, and it kills by juggling off of a dragon punch. :looney:

unless a special linked off of a super that kills will still produce the super death animation, but I can say with absolute certainty that when a normal linked off a super kills, it will not produce the super death animation.

So i have been readingthrough this thread and I had a question concerning:
Connecting Jump Jab to Hurricane.
This is another tricky piece of execution with Ken. You can combo his jumping jab into any hurricane kick (HK is best). This is particularly good after a Knee Bash. The best way to do it is to do a QCB and then at back press jab followed by HK very quickly. (Or do the Jab at down-back).

I played this guy today online and he was doing j.fp into air hurricane with ease. Its the execution the same as doing it using jab? As well he was using old ken and I was using N. Ken, so my next question is, does it differ with which ken you use? is it easier, harder?

Also he mentioned that the juice kick is easy to do during slowdown like after hitting an airborne opponent with a fb. Can anyone confirm this? I’m just a noob :sad:

As far as how to double up on old colors on new characters, do the glitch once, but have the second player who challenges also be an Old character, upon their defeat repeat the glitch?

Anyone? :sad:

Juice kick is easier to do during slowdown.

There is no real trick to canceling a j.jab into a Hurricane kick.

The timing is a little different between a j.jab and a j.fierce.

I dont know about the differences between O.Ken and N.Ken, I dont use O.Ken.

Well I am by no means a Ken player, new or old, but I have something for you to try for what it is worth. Jump at the opponent for your attemp at the punch cxlded into hurracain kick like normal.
Now here is what I found most useful about the whole process, do the qcb motion LATE and complete the WHOLE motion before you hit ANY buttons. Think of it as a “meaty” airborne hurracain kick motion. I repeat, do the entire qcb motion when your on top of their forehead.

As for the buton inputs, think of the way it looks when it comes out, like the speed of it, and try that timing for the inputs.

Again I have to stress that I am no Ken player but at least it is SOMETHING for you to try :rofl:

I don’t see what the point of that is. That would only be useful if you took like 5 years to buffer quarter circles.

Well he asked for help and then no one offered any so he quoted himself and asked again. Some one responded but with no real explanation of the way you ( as in you ) do it so I figuered I would tell him the way I have had some sucsess in doing it.

More importantly here, is if my way works or not. If he couldn’t do it at the time of him posting,
and after my explanation on it gives him more sucess than before he posted than my post would have a very good reason for being up.

Guess we will just have to wait and see if he give us a “your way sux djfrijoles” response or “worked like a charm dude thnx”

Thanks for the info guys! :tup:

I was not completing the WHOLE motion before I hit the groung thats why the hurricank kick wasn’t connecting. I just had to speed up my motion and my button presses! thanks for the help guys!

anyone have a video of kens juice kick?

Ken is kinda my main in ST, with Blanka second

Ken’s combo here:

Crossover j. MK, Dwn MP, xx QCF+K hold K, Dwn HK
5 hit dizzy on Feilong

Does that combo work on everyone?

If so, I’m going to use it, because I normally use Crossover MK, Stand HP, xx QCF+K which is a 3 or 4 hitter, that doesn’t always dizzy.

Thanks in advance.

j.forward cross-up, standing fierce into fierce dragon is a better dizzy, even though it dosent work on small characters.

The above mentioned combo only works on: Zangief and Fei Long and you can substitute short xx qcf+k (hold kick) and then the combo works on Guile as well.
A little known fun fact is that you can actually substitute low hk for a SUPER (4 hits) against Fei. Yes, that’s right you can do: Crossover j. MK, Dwn MP, xx QCF+K hold K, super for a 8-hit ‘showtime’ combo. Give it a try.


Hey guys, thanks a lot for the info, I’ll try it out when I get home.

So… what’s the best combo for dizzy that works on ALL characters?
I always feel that Ken’s QCF+K (2 hits) gives more stun damage than HP Dragon.

And wow…lol, what’s wrong with Fei’s hitbox to allow all these combos on him? :lol: It’s not like he’s a big or wide character.

I use Fei also, but because I don’t have a joystick I can’t do his Chicken Wing consistently.

I assume you’re kidding. Fei sticks his face WAY out to get combo’ed, he’s the biggest character in the game. I actually made a point of this when changes for Fei were being discussed for SF:HD. I wanted to fix Fei’s crazy hit box and the fact that everyone crosses him up for free. If they fixed his hitbox (which is apparently too hard to do for SF:HD), Fei would be a hulluva lot better, count of him to still suck in SF:HD-


It’s those MC Hammer pants :rofl:

I knew Fei had a strange hitbox, but I didn’t know he was the biggest character in the game.

Do you have hitboxes? I want to check this out myself.

This is Ken’s ToD combo: j.FK (cross), cr.SP, cr.FK, qcf+short. Stuns every character but requires a lot of practice IMO.

Good to Be back in the free world :smiley: