N Ken Thread

No I’m using Windowsxp I think I it was the input lag from the ps3 I got used to but, I’m getting better at doing it on the ggpo version. Does anyone know how to fix the problem with the inf health cheat on ggpofba. Once I turn it on the second player doesn’t move once I hit them.

i think is a matter of speed, HDR and Classic mode are a little slower compared to ST on FBA, in that case you have more time to execute dps and reversals.

call me ignorant cause i’m not 100% about this, but everytime i switch to HDR or Classic mode, everything looks so slower thus everything is a little easier to execute.

blitz… do you have an official source about HDR and ST windows inputs?, cause i guess and i saw on sirlin’s blog that window inputs for some characters are bigger than it was before on ST.

You might be kara cancelling the punch before its hitting frames are active. Try slowing down your button input or try pianoing 2 punches, that always works for me.

The input windows were changed only for Remix mode. In Classic mode nothing is different except for the backgrounds and O.character selection.

So it puzzles me that aniken loves to do early lk safe jump.

I thought it would always be better to do your jumping attack late (when opponent is knock down) so they only have little time to react, plus you can vary your jumping attack with light/medium/heavy for different block stun to confuse opponent’s reversal throw attempts.

Now I think I know why. I just beat fei’s reversal twice with safe jump lk + dp install. It’s so much easier to do dp install with early jumping lk


[Edit: WTF! 10 pages, hundreds of people and nobody gives n ken thread a 5 star rating?
let me fix that]

Damage and stun data for N.Ken, World version

First punches, then kicks, lighter versions first. It is based on observation and I have not repeated the experiments exhaustively, so do not take these as perfect. I sucks to account for variable damage, but as it does not vary that much, I took note of the most common values. Slashes refer to moves with multiple active parts. “Stupid kicks” are QCF, then QCD, then HCF.[LIST]
[]dmg = damage
]sd = stun damage
[]st = stun timer
]super = super meter gain

4 dmg, 0-5 sd, 40 st, 2 super
22 dmg, 5-11 sd, 60 st, 4 super
24 dmg, 3-9/10-15 sd, 40/80 st, 5 super

11 dmg, 0-5 sd, 40 st, 2 super
19 dmg, 5-11 sd, 60 st, 4 super
22 dmg, 11-16 sd, 80 st, 5/5 super

4 dmg, 0-5 sd, 40 st, 2 super
19 dmg, 5-11 sd, 60 st, 4 super
24 dmg, 10-15 sd, 80 st, 5 super

12 dmg, 0-5 sd, 40 st, 2 super
19 dmg, 5-11 sd, 60 st, 4 super

4 dmg, 0-5 sd, 40 st, 2 super
19 dmg, 5-11 sd, 60 st, 4 super
24/19 dmg, 3-9/10-15 sd, 40/80 st, 5 super

4 dmg, 0-5 sd, 40 st, 2 super
19 dmg, 5-11 sd, 60 st, 4 super
22 dmg, 6-10 sd, 130 st, 5 super

11 dmg, 1-7 sd, 40 st, 2 super
19 dmg, 6-11 sd, 50 st, 4 super
22 dmg, 11-17 sd, 60 st, 5 super

12 dmg, 1-7 sd, 40 st, 2 super
19 dmg, 6-11 sd, 50 st, 4 super
24 dmg, 11-17 sd, 60 st, 5 super

11 dmg, 1-7 sd, 40 st, 2 super
19 dmg, 5-11 sd, 50 st, 4 super
22 dmg, 3-9 sd, 40 st, 5 super

11 dmg, 1-7 sd, 40 st, 2 super
22/19 dmg, 3-9/3-9 sd, 40 st, 4 super
24 dmg, 4-9 sd, 40 st, 5 super

14 dmg, 5-13 sd, 110 st, 2 super
15 dmg, 5-13 sd, 110 st, 2 super
19 dmg, 5-13 sd, 110 st, 2 super

Stupid kicks
4/26 dmg, 0-5/5-13 sd, 20/90 st, 6 super
6/24 dmg, 0-4/5-13 sd, 90/90 st, 6 super
28 dmg, 0-5 sd, 20 st, 6 super

33/22 dmg, 10-15/2-7 sd, 100/90 st, 8 super
29/12 dmg, 10-15/2-7 sd, 100/90 st, 8 super
4/27/11 dmg, 0-5/10-15/0-5 sd, 30/100/30 st, 8 super

11 dmg, 3-8 sd, 90 st, 6 super
11 dmg, 3-8 sd, 90 st, 6 super
11 dmg, 3-8 sd, 90 st, 6 super

Air T
16 dmg, 3-8 sd, 90 st, 6 super
17 dmg, 3-8 sd, 90 st, 6 super
19 dmg, 3-8 sd, 90 st, 6 super

16 dmg, 1-4 sd, 20 st, -48 super

32-34(behind) dmg 5-11 sd, 100 st, 0 super

I was able to pull off an 8 hits renda cancel with ken 2 days ago on ggpo like this: crossup forward kick, short, short, super… 8 hits renda cancel!, first time ever that i’m able to link a renda cancel with a previous crossup forward kick.

Can someone please explain how to do this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTPubo8iQwU&feature=channel_page
Juice kick into super. When I try this I can’t get the super to come out as soon as I land from the juice kick

The command is really
:uf::qcb: + :hk:, :qcf::d::df:+:p:
The trouble comes from inputting the super fast enough. It is not often a good idea, landing and confirming out of repeated crouching Shorts would be the way to go. The advantage is that you will be able to confirm the super. If you are sure you can hit, then just use a single Short and renda cancel into the super. It is handy to learn how to renda cancel out of a single short so you can extend the enemy’s vulnerability period and have more time to input the super command.

gotta politely disagree with that. i find it very useful to go straight into super after juice. the execution is straight forward, it’s just hard to develop the coordination since you initially rotate one way for the juice then immediately the other way for the super. practice, you’ll get it. it’s pretty risky to do it on characters other than ryu and ken though.

super hits on the first frame, and renda cancelling a single short is pretty tough. also, you’re giving them extra time to recover during the few frames it takes for the short to become active. why add that extra level of difficulty? you’re risking fucking up the execution for a very minimal damage gain the one short would give. the only time i renda off one short is to confirm a jump-in against thin characters like claw or cammy. jump short – crouch short – super on hit.

Well, if that the case, I would agree. I thought Ken’s super had like two or three frames of start-up, counting before and after flash, which is just about the same start-up of the cr.Short. I find it easier to cancel out of a single Short (without confirming), but maybe that’s jut me. Feels similar to Alpha*. The idea is not the damage gain, in fact, but just extending the enemy’s vulnerability to complete the motion (also similar to the Alpha series shit).

*POS series…

Something that bothers me about N.Ken (or at least HSF2’s ST Ken) is that his tatsu doesn’t go through projectiles like ryu’s. I sometimes see a projectile flying towards me and tatsu instead of srk and get hit.

ryu/ken hurricane goes over sonic boom, yoga fire and low tiger shots only.

Ryu can Tatsu through Fierce and Strong Max Outs, too, and escape all others if they are meaty enough. Ken’s will get hit on the ground and leave him vulnerable to combos. Ken could at least avoid low meaties and get airborne before, so that is an important vulnerability. But Ken could never go through projectiles other than the ones moocus have mentioned.


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now i’m using a new combo: c.short, c.forward :qcf::k:, use it on corners for best results.

i was actually wondering about the crazy kicks and if anyone uses all three versions in combos, or for other reasons.

The Jab Shoryuken does very high damage and knocks down, so it is usually the best option. The only one that does more damage (1 point only, tough) and works in combos is the Inside Crescent, if both hits connect. It also adds very high stun, and a 4-hit combo with it will either dizzy or leave the enemy about to get dizzied, and with a high timer on it (check the Wiki). In addition to it, it has more range, but the enemy gotta be standing for it to connect.

Any combo into the backward roundhouse kick is useless (less damage, likely to whiff), and the other kick does not combo.

Anyone able to pull off the kara cancel option select in the corner? it seems that once you master that, n.ken becomes un beatable once he takes you down.

I only use the forward kick version, short version and roundhouse version are not that useful.

try this:

crossup :mk:, :d::mk:, :qcf::mk:,:d::hk:, just don’t use it all the time, otherwise you’re pattern will be your weak point. This one is uselful too: :d::mp::qcf::mk:, most of the time they think you will fireball they don’t expect a crazy kick on his/her head.

What option select can N.Ken use, but the ankward meaty kick into Jab SRK? As far as I know, the proper shoto option-selects that involve kara-canceling do not work for N.Ken.

That’s HDR, man. It is the motion that changes the kick in ST!