Nice! I was able to get it now. Thx for the help man! :tup:
I was wondering if you guys knew any good little matchup related tidbits to keep in mind. For example, a strong player friend of mine told me stand roundhouse is very effective against guile. I haven’t since faced any guiles to test this, but for now I’ll take his word for it.
But I was wondering if there were any other little character-specific nuggets I should know. Such and such move helps shut down such and such character. Or never do such and such move versus such and such character (never try to crossup blanka on wakeup?), etc. Thanks.
Another question… I’ve noticed that after knee bash, a lot of times when I go for the immediate jumping jab, they will have not yet fallen and I end up too early and get nailed after my jump jab whiffs. Are there certain characters this tactic is unreliable against? This has been happening against honda mostly, but it doesn’t always happen, leaving me very confused.
I just want to make sure I’m not getting killed off of knee bash since that’s supposed to be one of n. Kens best tactics. I’ve become scared to go for it!
Thanks in advance. For the most part this thread has been excellent!
-tgky/snackcakes on ggpo
I know for sure the jumping jab after Kneebash won’t work against Chun or Guile.As for other characters…I’m not fond of,perhaps it applies to Cammy as well,but i don’t know for sure.
It works against dictator,boxer,Ryu,Ken,Sagat…and that’s all I know of.
Some characters fall at different speeds and even different distances. Doing a jump attack after the knee bash works great on: Ken, Ryu, Dictator, Rog, Claw, Sagat, Sim, and I believe most of the new challengers (I think, maybe not Cammy). I know against Honda you actually have to hesistate a split second before you jump (it’s tough), and I know you jump too far to repeat the pattern against Chun and Guile. I can’t speak for sure how the trap works against Zangief or Blanka but I generally don’t use it against them due to it being a bit too risky.
For the same reason it is not very good against Gief, shouldn’t he hesitate a bit more against Honda, to the point he won’t do it at all so as to avoid ochio throw? And the same against Hawk, but due to his 360?
I believe Ken’s cr.str also beats Guile’s jump-in forward and roundhouse, similar to Ryu’s. I can not test it now, tough.
Every Ken player can learn a hell of a lot from this video.
PWNED :looney:
He is a good Ken player indeed but how would we learn more from this video then from Aniken or Mattsun videos?
Ahh just a good video really showing some dame good zoning and setups. Aniken is my favorite ken player, and Mattsun is an excellent ken player as well. I’d never heard of Choshu. Besides, I was very impressed he destroyed YuuVega =D
Then you will love these old school vids I finally uploaded.
Holy shit it’s Mattsun from like 1996 or something. The shit he pulled off in those vids had me WTF’ing several times :looney:
Fuck Yea ! that was fucking bad ass !
Thank you very much kind sir :woot:
5/5 and added to favorites.
Gotta love cr.RHxxjabDP for pushback, and I was really wowed by the reversal super (hover Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku) into Super :looney: I’d never see that coming. Excellent control of combos, especially on Gief vids (cross juice kick [2 hits] from cr.short*3 I’m looking at you).
Those were fucking AWESOME!! Wow…craziest Ken I’ve ever seen :looney:
I don’t think it was mentioned in this thread, but some of O.Ken’s normals do more damage. Namely, his j.RH and c.RH.
that was INSANE stuff
thanks for the upload!
oh kinda an embarassing question, but how do you do juice kick properly with Ken?
- what command did he use for that juice kick
- how the hell did he link the low roundhouse, cause i was experimenting it last night, and couldn’t get it to work. I always got too much pushback and it would whiff.
then again my opponent was claw.
Hope that helps.
Nice mixup
That final combo on Gief was nice!!! He’s blocking high since he’s expecting a j. hk or something, only to see ken come low.
Hi. Any advice on how to link into FB? I can link to FB by doing d+mk, down towards, then forwards+p very quickly, but linking into FB like I see Aniken and others do on youtube never seems to come out. Just the timing maybe? Any advice?