ok,can someone please tell me some good combos,strats,and rushdown tactics for ryu in N or K groove.i whould like to know what is the best way to bulid mete,what is some locks he may have.and any advance skills anybody might know…
instead of making a new thread i’m gonna make an attempt to bring this one back…seeing as no one ever posted to it b4
K-groove ryu…in my opinion(i am biased) this is the best ryu in the game…because he can fight c/b/s …not to say he doesn’t have to work hard because who doesn’t against those 3?..but he can fight them…blanka especially no more spamming blanka balls against ryu…a jd…run up cr.mk…shinku hado will stop that shit…of course if you have meter but that goes without saying with his fierce punch dialing in at 1400pts of damage…tack on the damage bonus that k gets and ur lookin’ at almost 2k pts worth of damage per fierce…not to mention that you can link shinku hado…after the standing fierce…shin shoryuken takes atleast half bar if you land the super itself obviously more if its a counter hit or comboed …and even off a simple small jump fp. fierce sho ryuken you get over 3k points of damage…granted these are all numbers just showing you the damage potential of ryu…
vs sagat…the biggest thing you must attempt to control in this fight is sagats fp…crouching or standing… now you can guess jab shoryu from a pretty safe distance and not get killed if their sagat can’t run or doesn’t have a level 3 handy…but you can keep them at bay with the hado.i prefer the red one due to the fact it knocks him down…and i think its only a difference of 2 frames because you want sagat on the ground where the only thing he can really do to stop you is thaiger upper…but this is risky because if he does it and misses he’s gonna lose a chunk of life(cr.lp, cr. fp, med hurricane)…i’d stick with the medium if they have quick get up…cuz if you do roundhouse they can quick get up for free but with med…they with quick get up in your face. sagat loves to small jump roundhouse…you can counter this with cr. fp which is great at stopping low jumps or shoryuken if you can get the motions out… overall this is a tough fight but if you get sagat on the ropes early you can finish him off
vs blanka…only thing about this guy is he’s random you never know where he’s gonna be at any given time…so if you plan on jumping at him…please make it a defensive jump and jd before attacking him… fill the screen with smart fireballs and you will limit his ability to just ball u to death and if you jd the ball possibilities are vast if youre raged…you can run up and do cr.mkxxshinkuhado or for a harder possibility run up cr.mp super hurricane… what about the rc shock?..jd that shit is all i can tell you…no one has yet to find a way to stop it…blanka can’t low jump you due to your superior priority st.rh works wonders on him…once he’s on the ground he’s yours…only thing you have to watch out for is wake up supers and wakeup rc’s which you can control with spacing…only thing i would say is don’t use the hop kick so much against him because more than likely he has a charge in any situation where you would use it…and he’ll be ready to ball ur ass other ppl may say differently but this isn’t that hard of a fight to me
vs cammy…all i can say is keep her off of you…if you keep her in the range where she has to block the cr. mp ur fine but if she gets all up in your face you got problems just like anyone else…don’t throw hado’s unless its from far away…what works in ur favor here is if you combo her twice she’s more than likely dizzy…that means she should have lost atleast 1/2 of her life if not more by the time you combo her out of the dizzy…shoryuken that bitch every time she jumps…no matter what she’s got a quick fast and walk so you can’t whiff pokes…cuz she’ll just walk up and grab you as a result…don’t use the hop kick cuz she’s so small and will duck right under it. this fight you have to win with force.
overall…he can fight everyone in the game pretty evenly this game has been out for half a decade so i’m sure i’m not saying anything new…but k ryu can definitely handle his own against anyone in the game…his biggest hurdle may be vega? even against him its not too bad cuz he loses life so easily…one shoryuken and the game falls tremendously in his favor
k ryu >a,c,s,n,p ryus
Totally agree with post ryu is a demon of damage with k groove.