My Ryu and Ken stick art *pics*

I recently set off to find some SF themed art for my two arcade sticks. I looked through literally thousands of images, and finally settled on two pieces of art created by Jo Chen for UDON.

IMO the Ryu art is by far the best piece of SF art I have ever seen. I was torn on choosing the second piece of art, because nothing really matched the Ryu art’s awesomeness, not to mention art style. Then I found the Ken art also by Jo Chen and I think it is a perfect match. Plus I think it makes sense to have Ryu on one stick and Ken on the other! :slight_smile:

Here is the original Ryu and Ken art (scaled down so you can see it, click for the original resolution image on deviantart):

I’m no artist at all, but I spent hours carefully cutting out Ryu and Ken using Photoshop. I tweaked contrast, colors, etc. I had to redo the lightning on Ryu and had to clean up the edges of Ken’s fire where I cut it out. I then scaled the images up to 300 DPI and cleaned the upscaled images as best as I could. This involved a lot of zoomed in pixel editing. Finally, the original images are very vertical so I came up with a simple way to fill in the rest of the art since my sticks are 15" x 10". The final resolution of the art is a gigantic 4500x3000!

Here is the finished Ryu and Ken art (scaled down so you can see it, click for the full resolution image on deviantart):

Considering I really have no art skills, I’m really happy with how it turned out! Feel free to use the art as you wish. Comments and criticism are completely welcome!

Looks Great!

Those turned out really good man. I actually chose a piece of Ryu art for my stick this week:

I agree that it was hard to find work up to caliber for a stick.

Nice bro! I may have to “steal” that Ken art. I have no idea what Id be doin, but I want to put it on my TE stick

That’s some pretty badass Ryu, I’m currently on the hunt for some kickass ryu art to put on my stick. may have to use this one that youve created.

If you use these, you must post pics of the finished sticks! :slight_smile:

That is a pretty good one, and a nice resolution too, which is usually the deal breaker.

That looks amazing NateS.

wow amazaing :DDDDDDDD

Good work clean and simple which I like! I like the Ryu one more than the Ken one. I used that udon image for Rjive’s stick make sure the actual movement stick piece doesn’t lie above his face lol.

Heh, yea it was tricky to get the art just right so the stick and buttons didn’t cover the important parts. at first I didn’t take into account the dust washer, only the stick hole! Got it straight now though. I’m working on having my art printed on poly, it’ll be a while before my stick is done, but I’ll post it eventually.

Some SRK user’s sticks with this art…