I went in the other day and deleted all the replays I’d saved over the last month or so cause it was getting a little cluttered in there.
I dunno if that has anything to do with anything but now, my currently saved replays wont load.
If i go on my fighter profile and add a replay to my list and go back to the list itself, it saves the replay as two 0LP Ryus (im a Cammy player and its dismissing who the opponent was) doesnt list the user names of either player and says failed to load replay if i click it. I cant access the replays themselves to delete and start over so they are just kinda stuck on my list
There were a few older replays that i didnt delete from before my purge and those dont work either.(even tho ive watched them b4)
Also i noticed all the dates on my replays say Jun 7, 1906. (Even the older ones have this date) What is this?
Edit - ive noticed its not sending any of my matches to the server now(well it only did a few) …i cant go get anyone elses replays from thier profile either