As the title says it just up and stops working. I have another PS3 stick that works fine but I like my Madcatz better. The intervals of when it does stop is all random. It’ll be either 5 secs up to 5 minutes and then it just won’t work unless I unplug it and plug it back in but it is random the whole time. Would anyone have an idea of what the issue could be? I’ve tried contacting Madcatz but those people are idiots and think that I’m asking if PS3 sticks do work on PS4.
Another thing is it happens on another PS4 also. I can use it on PC all day and it’ll be fine but the issue only happens on the PS4.
As if I read this right, you have a PS3 stick. PS3 controllers don’t work on the PS4 unless you got a game with legacy controller support.
Even then some games has touchy legacy support for PS3 controllers.