My Nigg: Jared Fogle gets Knuckle Sandwich from Santa

Imagine hearing Jared cry out in desperation.

“Nigg! Ahhh! Please!!”

On an unrelated note, since he was Santa Claus, I wonder if Nigg likes nog.

You guys pounded the puns way worse than the actual beating.

I’m guessing…

Some guards. Might have been distracted by a randomly placed direction sign for a newly opened Subway.

In other news, Hulk Hogan awarded $115m in Gawker sex tape case. There are no breaks on this justice train!

Yo this episode 3 thooo

Can a mod change my name to ShaneRocks jk but only slightly

The main priority is to get the body into the proper position for the millions brother!

HULK HOGAN gonna run and win Republican primary, secondary/president of EArtfh

The 115 million dollar man…

Nah, his body is fucking falling apart. He’s got his hands full just walking around, pretending he’s not hurting.

Inb4 some idiot blames steroids

It was steroids too much hulkomania.

Which President Candidate doesn’t have oldass bones. Exactly. Follow the money here.

hulkhogan, book history, about flying to japan overnight and winning all their championships over there, BROTHERRRR.blogspot–I don’t have right this second.

edit: bonus round

The human body can only withstand so much Hulkomania until it completely burns out.

Hulkomania sounds like a breakfast cereal. Yes we know what teh prize inside is.

First of all, how are some of you misspelling “Hulkamania”, which has an “a”, and not an “o”, is beyond me. Fraudulent as fuck Hulkamaniacs.



He also had videos of 4-9 year olds that his dirtbag assistant filmed for him.

Yeah fuck him

Also hulkamania you fuckheads

Is Jared being punished or rehabilitated because it seems to me Jared has had it pretty easy since being in prison. The guy can eat whatever he wants, spend his Subway $$$ and walk tall. If his victims don’t take the rest of his Subway $$$ through court, he will put on more weight.

Hulkomania cereal comes with a free certificate for you to be the cuckold while he violates your wife/girlfriend. When he is finished he gives you an autographed photo.

Has he been prison raped, though? Because if not, then there is truly no justice in this shit world. :angry:

He’s in prison with other rApist, sex offenders, child molesters
