One of the characters would have an outfit that would look just like this.
Is this what FGD has devolved into, fanfiction for scrubs?
Also, pancakes.
Was all that supposed to be funny? Because I didn’t read past the first question. Actually, the first sentence alone is an indication that no comedy will follow, since you shouldn’t announce a joke like: "He comes a joke/new challenger!"
I suppose shitty jokes do fit shitty threads. Try again kid. (Or don’t, if it’ll be another wall of unfunny text.)
Welcome to SRK btw.
Sad part is I think he was dead serious.
You created a fake japanese person as the designer for your game as well?? oh man
surely the interview would be with you, the designer of the game? Unless your name is Watashi Fujikata?
Please tell me this was just one big troll.
Pancake mode, guys. Who would joke about something as hype as pancake mode?
Well what’d you think was gonna happen when we started opening out our arms to the nubs? The threads weren’t going to get MORE EDUCATED. :lol:
This is ridiculous. I want to clown but am utterly confused.
Oh what the shitting fuckballs?! I didn’t even realize it was the OP. WTF?!!!
they see me trollan…they hatin
lol I readed it
it was kinda funny anyway xD
Holy shit.
Can I request post #78 be removed by a mod? Just to save the small amount of dignity this thread had.
Or we can go back to ignoring it. Maybe it never really existed at all…
The characters would also have many different win/loss quotes. Many of the winning quotes wouldn’t mock the loser, but it would sorta be the other way around.
“Practice makes perfect, my friend.”
“You can challenge me anytime.”
“Are you okay, little girl?”
“I we fight next time, you could actually beat me.”
“You almost got it there.”
“I can always teach you if you’d like.”
“That was a close one.”
When you beat arcade mode: “I did it!”
Now here are some of the losing quotes.
kneels to the ground “Gosh, I’m exhausted.”
“sigh You can’t win em all I guess.”
“I won’t give up!”
“Damn, I was so close.”
“Oh well, winning isn’t everything.”
“I’m gonna have to train a bit more.”
Also, you can have an option to change whether you want to show the winning player or the losing player. The latter was done in Psychic Force 2012.
What is this friendly bullshit? Don’t fight to win… FIGHT TO KILL!!!
Your win quotes chug out more shit than a damn elephant.
No! Stop posting Jesus fuck
You guys are getting troll’d hardcore. VGMaster9 seems to be just some elaborate troll.
You’re against the pancake mode?:sad:
Well not ALL of them have to be friendly, there can also be quotes like these:
“You look cute when you’re out cold.”
“yawn too slow”
As the “fight to kill” thing, you might as well play Tekken for that, cause this one is a little more different.
EDIT: Also, another outfit in the game would be like this.
CAUTION: Nip slip
So basically, this game takes elements from a bunch of other fighters, throws them all into one epicly shitty game, and tries to cover it up with a bunch of worthless otaku modes and skank outfits? Have you come up with a name for this masterpiece yet?