My fix for Ken's green hair and (non-canon) blue eyes

Hey guys,

I hope it’s okay to post about aesthetics in this forum, I made a simple texture fix for the bizarre green tint to Ken’s hair, and also gave him back his original brown eyes (which is even in his concept art for IV!)


'If you’re as pedantic as I am, you’ve probably always resented that Ken’s eyes became Aryan blue in SFIV after being canonically brown for dozens of other games (reflecting his half Japanese heritage.) So here’s a very subtle texture swap I made. This version has an optional variation with scars/stubble.

This replaces the 9th and 10th costumes of the Original set.

Install to \STEAM\steamapps\common\Super Street Fighter IV - Arcade Edition\resource\battle\chara\KEN

Be sure to back up your original!’*