Hey there, guys. Long time lurker, but first time…poster? Iunno, that sounds like an AA introduction or something.
In any case, I’ve been drawing for quite a while. Quite a quite a while–and fighting game stuff for even longer. So, I guess I’ll just dump a bunch of my brush pen stuff here in spurts.
These are from earlier in the year I did on stream. My color palette at the time was a tad limited (black, dark gray, light blue, dark blue, red and yellow)

Then I gained a red-orange companion.

Having fallen in love with the elaborate brush pen works of acclaimed animator, Junichi Hayama, I’ve been surely but steadily trying my hand at it as well. Only, you know, he’s like 2000x better than me in every facet and I’m willing to come to terms with that, lol. In any case, I hope you all enjoy the first batch.