So I go to these local arcades to play USF4 with other people, and they have the game running on the 360, and I play at home on the PS3. So for some reason, my execution is just way off. The FADC combo’s that I usually practice at home, I cannot seem to get to work when I play at the arcade. I don’t know if it’s because I’m nervous and that I’m surrounded by people watching me play, or because there is some sort of input lag going on here. What should I do? How can I get my execution down well enough so that it’s good anywhere I go?
The type of monitor they are using will add/decrease lag from your set up.
If you use a lagless ASUS Evo and they use a TV with bad settings (most TV lag more regardless) or vice versa your timing will be off. This is why I mess up combos when playing on a ASUS Evo because I’m so used to my home TV. Playing online will add to these effects, you get accustomed to online timing.
So what can I do to compensate for all the different types of input lag across all monitors? Can sheer practice alone really get me the hang of each different type of timing that is required? I feel like that might be impossible.
A frame of lag is something you’ll adjust for on site after a few games. The biggest thing is experience. Playing at an arcade is a higher pressure environment than home. That’s probably throwing you off more than anything.
It’s actually 2f of lag on PS3+it having a different framerate, and the game tends to have much more common slowdowns which can be caused by specific stages(drive in, laboratory), moves(burnkick, psycho stream), or even characters(e.ryu) which can all throw off your input timing.
ps3 version is crap and practicing on it probably makes you adjust to the specific characte/stages you are playing on so you won’t notice the lag.
To my knowledge ps3,xbox360, and pc all run at 60FPS for it is the standard for fighting games. There are differences in graphics and load times between ps3 and xbox360, with xbox360 being the winner. I honestly think that worrying about a few frames of lag is counter productive when human error is always going to the key factor when playing fighting games.
I have a PS3 and an Xbox 360 at home, hooked up to the same TV and I do notice a difference when I play them. I got used to playing on PS3 first and it took some practice to adjust to the faster timing on the 360. Might not be much of a difference but it was enough to cause me to drop certain combos.
The monitor makes a big difference. Big screen tvs can lag up to 4 frames. If you went from playing on ps3 on a big screen to xbox on a gaming monitor, you will probably notice a difference of at least 5 frames.
I don’t even know why there’s a difference between PS3 and 360. Seems like they should all be the same. I read that 360 is the only version that is different but I’m not really sure if that’s true. Here’s the thread I saw about it:
If you are serious about fighting games you really should invest in a gaming monitor. In my opinion BenQ makes the best. has a lot info on gaming monitors and lag info. As for the ps3 problem, I would probably just wait for the ps4 version of the game to come out.
do a google search for your TV brand/model + input lag and see what you come up with. 2 frames is usually considered fine for casual play. Anything more is awful. If you’re serious about the game, consider a gaming monitor.
Not sure why this was PM’ed to me instead of posted here, but I think Veserius was getting at is the PS3 has some stage lag that isn’t consistent with Xbox 360 stage lag. You’d have to ask him though.
Thanks for the information. I really do hope that the PS4 version is on par with the 360 in terms of frame-rate.
On the Playstation blog, under the USF4 PS4 announcement, they had an interesting tidbit.
“a few of you hardcore Street Fighters out there said that there was minor input lag in the controls of Ultra Street Fighter IV for PS3. Well, don’t worry: we’ve eliminated it to make the PS4 edition the ultimate version on any platform, so it’ll be good to go for all your tournament needs!”
So I wonder if this information pertains to this supposed input lag the PS3 suffers, and if this is a solution to that.
I am just wondering… Since the PS3 version is slower, does that mean that the PS4 version of Ultra will run at the same smooth framerate as the 360 version?